Hi all!
I'm working on a simple game.
All the levels are made up from tables.
I want let the player create levels and I need some way of save the created level as a table.
I tried some libs to do it: Tserial I didn't was able to get it working on my code; from Ser I got a message saying my table is unsurpported. Then I found the lib Save Table To File: https://love2d.org/wiki/libSaveTableToFile
The issue is: on Linux, it works fine, but on Android, it does not work (no save, no load).
Does it have something to do with Android filesystem?
[SOLVED]Touble When Saving Tables on Android
[SOLVED]Touble When Saving Tables on Android
Last edited by uederson on Wed May 24, 2017 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Touble When Saving Tables on Android
I suggest you try checking how and where the table's saved
Maybe it's just the way LOVE saves data across platforms?
Regardless, here's the custom-made code I use for this; you might need to change a few bits
Maybe it's just the way LOVE saves data across platforms?
Regardless, here's the custom-made code I use for this; you might need to change a few bits
Code: Select all
local dat = "local options = {"
local gtotal = 0
local gcurrent = 0
for i,v in pairs(main.config) do
gtotal = gtotal+1
for i,v in pairs(main.config) do
if type(v) == "table" then
dat = dat.."\n "..i.." = {"
local total = 0
local current = 0
for i,v in pairs(v) do
total = total+1
for i1,v1 in pairs(v) do
if type(v1) == "string" then
if current == total-1 then
dat = dat.."\n "..i1.." = ".."\""..(v1).."\""
dat = dat.."\n "..i1.." = ".."\""..(v1).."\""..","
if current == total-1 then
dat = dat.."\n "..i1.." = "..tostring(v1)
dat = dat.."\n "..i1.." = "..tostring(v1)..","
if gcurrent == gtotal-1 then
dat=dat.."\n }"
dat=dat.."\n },"
gcurrent = gcurrent+1
dat=dat.."\n}\nreturn options"
function earth:destroy()
00while count>0 do
00earth = nil
00print("Earth has been destroyed.")
00while count>0 do
00earth = nil
00print("Earth has been destroyed.")
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Re: Touble When Saving Tables on Android
Also, that library (libSaveTableToFile) uses lua's own io functions; i'd use love.filesystem functions instead.
Also, Ser's pretty lenient with what it allows for you to serialize, so i'm a bit suprised it said a type was unsupported.
Also, Ser's pretty lenient with what it allows for you to serialize, so i'm a bit suprised it said a type was unsupported.
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Touble When Saving Tables on Android
On Linux, SaveTableToFile saves the file inside the lovegame folder (different place from Love's functions like love.filesystem.newFile). Then, by what zorg said about the lua's io functions, I think the problem is that SaveTableToFile is trying to save the file inside the lovegame folder on Android (by what I verified using love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory, the path for saving files on Android is data/data/org.love2d.android/files/savegame) and maybe it can not do it.
Sadly I don't know how SaveTableToFile saves the file because I am very beginner in programming and the code is too complex to me.
Thank you so much by the code! I will try it!
Yes! I am a very new programmer, but how I said before (by your observation about lua's io functions), I think the problem is that SaveTableToFile is trying to save the file inside the lovegame folder.
Attached is a picture from my game.
The only thing I store inside the table is the position and an ID for each stone in the level (the yellow, blue, grey blocks and the one on the right side of the player). The table is simple. I don't know why Ser is giving me the error saying "unsupported type userdata"
Thank you guys by your help!
Re: Touble When Saving Tables on Android
My bad!
Ser was giving me the error message because my code was insertting image data inside the table (I was unable to see this). I am a very very bad programmer (if someone really can call me a programmer)!
Now Ser is working like a charm!
Thank you again, guys!
Re: Touble When Saving Tables on Android
Dude, don't sweat it
We all make mistakes, just learn from them
The very fact that you can write functioning code at all makes you a programmer
Soon enough you'll become better
function earth:destroy()
00while count>0 do
00earth = nil
00print("Earth has been destroyed.")
00while count>0 do
00earth = nil
00print("Earth has been destroyed.")
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