On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by 4aiman »

Niiiiiiiiiice..... 8)
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Published Version on itch.io:

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## Additions
- Added main menu
    - Can be navigated via mouse or keyboard
- Added options menu
    - Allows the user to change the language (currently only german and english available)
    - Allows to toggle fullscreen mode
- Added ingame menu
    - Allows user to save the game or to exit back to main menu
- Added german translation
- Added savegames

## Removals
- Removed spawning of ammo in crates at the start of the game

## Fixes
- Fixed memory leak caused by upvalues and closures not being collected with LuaJIT enabled
- Fixed crash with pathfinding in cases where the target was the same as the origin
- Fixed removal of previous movement paths when character was selected via mouse click
Published Version with minor bugfixes:

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## Fixes
- Fixed health screen not opening for adjacent chars
- Fixed missing text for dog legs
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Added better handling of the height of world objects and characters. The game now simulates a vertical z-level for each tile which affects line-of-sight and projectile calculations:

As you can see in this gif a prone character won't be able to look over low walls and other obstacles, but as soon as he stands up the FOV updates according to his height (crouched and standing):

For shooting the mechanics work more or less the same. Note how the character can't aim at the floor directly behind the wall, but is able to aim at the standing characters on the other side of the wall.

This is improves how the game handles blocking of projectiles and other factors, because cover is now actually working based on height instead of just some random values. It should also open up more tactical possibilities once I get into sneaking and stealth approaches (which is still in the far future).

For the next updates I want to get a medical system into the game, some more "battle maps" (just to add some variety) and finally start on the overworld part of the game.
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

I needed a break from UI coding and refactoring and decided to implement texture packs:


The game supports arbitrary sized tiles now and players can easily add their own custom packs in their save directory. I had planned to implement this from the start and while I was working on some UI-related code I figured it was a good time to code it (since I wanted to get rid of hard coded tile sizes anyway).

0.8.0 is 58% complete, but I hope to get it done till Sunday :?
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Published Version on itch.io:

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## Additions
- Added height mechanics for world objects and characters
    - World objects that are bigger than a character will block the LOS
    - Shooting over a world object is only possible if the target behind the object can be seen
- Added texture pack support
    - Users can add their own texture packs in the mod/texturepacks folder located in their save directory
    - Texture packs support arbitrary tile sizes
- Added support for loading multiple maps
    - Added a second map
- Added "Show Help" button to ingame menu

## Removals
- Removed hotkey for help screen (and the ingame overlay for it)
- Removed "Close" button from ingame menu
    - It can be closed via the escape-key now

## Fixes
- Fixed button receiving events without actually having focus
- Fixed status effects being applied more than once

## Other Changes
- Attack and interaction modes are now toggleable
    - Pressing their keys again will switch back to the movement mode
Decided to push all UI related features to the next version.

Published Version on itch.io:

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## Fixes
- Fixed bug where a character's inventory volume wasn't reset correctly
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Published Version on itch.io:

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## Fixes
- Fixed crash when trying to drag an item stack in the inventory screen
- Fixed highlighting of equipment slots not being removed correctly

Also the base screen is slowly coming together:

The first release won't be anything ground breaking. I only plan to add a simple "heal all injuries" panel and a way to start a mission and returning back to base after said mission.
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Published Version on itch.io:

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# Version - 2017-04-18

## Additions
- Added basic base gameplay
    - Base inventory can be used to store items between missions
        - The inventory screen can be opened for an active character by pressing "i"
    - A new combat mission can be started by pressing the "next mission" button
    - All characters can be healed by pressing "Heal All"
        - The health screen can be opened for an active character by pressing "h"
- Added proper saving system
    - Added a menu for loading savegames
    - Savegames are stored and ordered by their time of creation
    - Savegames which have been created with older versions of the game are marked as incompatible
- Added footer to all menu screens
- Added randomly generated nationality and names for characters

## Removals
- Removed unused translation strings

## Other Changes
- Colors and sprites can now be entirely defined via texture packs
- Replaced randomized ASCII sprites for shotgun shots with different sprite
- Exposed "Type:" string to translation files
- Changed health screen hotkey from "q" to "h"
As I said in my last post the base screen is very much WIP. For this release I mainly focused on getting the code in the right direction to support both combat and base gameplay in a nice way.

I know that the UI and controls are all over the place right now, but that is one of the things I want to focus on in one of the future releases.
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Hehe time to necro this thread. I couldn't work on OTR in recent months due to real life happenings and a broken dev machine.

But the project is far from being dead! I used the time to plan ahead. The next update will feature an early form of procedural map generation inspired by XCOM2's parcel system. The basics are working and my commit message is a good and short summary of what it does so far:
Add basic procedural generation

The procedural generation works with a parcel system. First, it generates a rough grid (for example 16x8 parcels). Each parcel represents 8x8 tiles.

Then it tries to place prefabs on said parcel grid while applying random rotation to add some variety. It also makes sure that none of the prefabs are spawned next to each other (there has to be a distance of at least one parcel between them) and none of them is directly at the map border.
The outcome looks more or less like this:

I know it's pretty boring so far, but that's because I only created three test prefabs and it's just the first stage of the map generation. There will also be streets and filler objects to make the maps (hopefully) more interesting.

I'm not sure when I'll release the next update, but I hope it's going to be soon™.
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Published important hotfix to itch.io:

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# Version - 2017-10-28

## Fixes
- Fix infinite loading bug on macOS High Sierra 10.13
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Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)

Post by rmcode »

Version - 2017-10-28

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## Fixes
- Fix crash caused by faulty parser pattern
Version - 2017-10-28

Code: Select all

## Additions
- Added ammo indicator which displays the total amount of ammunition a character has in his inventory
- Added basics for parcel based procedural map generation
    - Map layouts determine the general look of the map such as road placement and where parcels are placed
    - Building-prefabs can be spawned in parcels matching their size
    - Prefabs can be rotated randomly
    - Spawn randomly generated foliage parcels
- Added completely revamped inventory user interface
    - General groundwork for future user interface additions

## Removals
- Removed unused resource file
- Removed heal all selector on base screen

## Fixes
- Fixed crash on base screen when health screen was opened before a character was selected

## Other Changes
- Character names are aligned to the left now
- Improved interaction between mouse and keyboard controls in menu screens
- Nationalities are now picked from a weighted list to control the rarity of certain nations
- The aim overlay will always mark unseen tiles as potentially blocking
- Changed minimum resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768
- Improved the ingame help screen and updated it to follow the general UI style
Version - 2017-11-08

Code: Select all

## Additions
- Added letterboxing to hide parts of the screen which don't fit on the tile grid
- Added Changelog screen to the main menu

## Removals
- Removed old base screen
- Removed german translation
- Removed generators and templates for static maps

## Fixes
- Fixed issue with registering attacks hitting indestructible objects
- Fixed alignment of ui items when the window is resized
- Fixed camera grid alignment
- Fixed inventory items not being dropped when a character bled to death

## Other Changes
- Calculated deviation for ranged shots is floored instead of rounded
- Updated the savegame screen
- Limited mouse cursor for the UI to the actual screen grid
- Player-controlled characters now always spawn with a ranged weapon (additionally they either get a melee or some throwing weapons)
Version - 2017-11-08

Code: Select all

## Fixes
- Fixed offset between screen mouse coordinates and game world coordinates
- Fixed blurry menu titles being caused by drawing at non-integer coordinates if screen dimensions were odd
- Fixed eplosive weapons not triggering when hitting empty tiles

## Other Changes
- Health screen can be closed by pressing 'h' again
- Make sure mouse cursor is visible in combat state
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