Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v1.2.3.0
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.1.0
when you draw the player, floor their position too.
STI - An awesome Tiled library
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LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
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- Prole
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:53 am
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.1.0
Oh my god I can't believe I missed that... that worked perfectly though thanks for the help Karai I really appreciate it!
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.1.0
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.1.0
I'm having some trouble with moving around on the map I created. (Admittedly, I haven't spent much time with lua or Love, but even less with Tiled.)
Attached is a .love that shows the problem. As I translate around the map, I see the AABBs from Box2d moving around the screen. The tile layers though, don't seem to render correctly. The tiles to follow the translation, but I only see the same tiles...
I put my map into the STI Tech Demo (that uses an older version of STI), and it rendered properly. What am I missing? Any help is super appreciated.
Attached is a .love that shows the problem. As I translate around the map, I see the AABBs from Box2d moving around the screen. The tile layers though, don't seem to render correctly. The tiles to follow the translation, but I only see the same tiles...
I put my map into the STI Tech Demo (that uses an older version of STI), and it rendered properly. What am I missing? Any help is super appreciated.
- Attachments
- (30.28 KiB) Downloaded 417 times
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.0
I'm looking into this now.
Last edited by Karai17 on Thu May 18, 2017 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.1
I've pushed an update that should fix this issue. the main cause of this is that I need to scale the map from whatever the user sets the scale to back to 1.0 to draw to the canvas. This fixes weird graphical glitches and tearing that can occur. However, the way I implemented this meant that translating no longer worked properly (I didn't catch this when I was testing). So to solve both problems (be able to scale and translate), I've decided that STI needs to take over love's transforms for a short time. This means that instead of calling or yourself, you just need to pass in those values to the map.draw function.
Code: Select all
local sti = require "sti"
local tx, ty, sx, sy, map
function love.load()
map = sti("assets/map.lua")
tx, ty = 0, 0
sx, sy = 1.5, 1.5
function love.update(dt)
local k = love.keyboard.isDown
if k("left") then tx = tx - 150 * dt end
if k("right") then tx = tx + 150 * dt end
if k("up") then ty = ty - 150 * dt end
if k("down") then ty = ty + 150 * dt end
function love.draw()
map:draw(-tx, -ty, sx, sy)
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.1
Thank you so much for the fix and for the library in general, Karai. It's really awesome!!
- gmestanley
- Prole
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:45 pm
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.1
So, I tried using STI to put the Tiled maps I made into my game, but the objects don't work. They are drawn, but the collision doesn't exist.
Here's a pic of what it looks like:
Can you help me? Here's all the .lua files (there's 4 of 'em)
and yes, my player's sprite is a rectangle with the word "Placeholder".
Here's a pic of what it looks like:
Can you help me? Here's all the .lua files (there's 4 of 'em)
Code: Select all
require "object"
require "player"
require "msgbox"
local sti = require "Simple-Tiled-Implementation-master/sti"
function love.load()
game_map = 1
world_map01 = love.physics.newWorld(0, 0)
map_intro = sti("data/map_intro.lua", { "box2d" })
spr_player ="data/spr_adam.png")
fnt_system ="data/arial.ttf", 20)
fnt_dialogue ="data/FreePixel.ttf", 20)
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
Player:draw(spr_player, Player.xcoor, Player.ycoor), 0, 0), 0, 20)
if msgbox_01 == true then
Msgbox:draw("Hello world!", 70, 440, 660, 110)
Code: Select all
require "core"
Object = {}
Object.__index = Object
Object.speed = 0
Object.state = "idle"
Object.xcoor = 0
Object.ycoor = 0
return Object
Code: Select all
require "core"
require "object"
Player = {}
Player.__index = Player
setmetatable(Object, Player)
Player.xcoor = 100
Player.ycoor = 100
Player.speed = 2
function Player:update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
Player.state = "moving"
Player.ycoor = Player.ycoor + Player.speed
if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
Player.state = "moving"
Player.ycoor = Player.ycoor - Player.speed
if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
Player.state = "moving"
Player.xcoor = Player.xcoor - Player.speed
if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
Player.state = "moving"
Player.xcoor = Player.xcoor + Player.speed
if not love.keyboard.isDown("down", "up", "left", "right") then
Player.state = "idle"
function Player:draw(sprite, xcoor, ycoor), xcoor, ycoor)
return Player
Code: Select all
require "core"
Msgbox = {}
Msgbox.__index = Msgbox
msgbox_01 = false
function Msgbox:keypressed()
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == "z" then
msgbox_01 = true
elseif key == "x" then
msgbox_01 = false
function Msgbox:draw(string, x, y, width, height), 0, 0)"fill", x, y, width, height), 255, 255), x + 10, y + 10)
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.1
Can you post a .love file?
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
Re: Simple Tiled Implementation - STI v0.18.2.1
I'm using Box2D and rotating and flipping tiles sets the collision box in the wrong cell.
See attachment, black lines are tiles and red boxes are collision box.
Have downloaded the latest Tiled and STI with plugins.
I'm doing something wrong or so the plugin not support rotating/flipping tiles?
Edit, Fixed it. Added this to the Box2D plugin. Based on the code from init.lua file in STI.
See attachment, black lines are tiles and red boxes are collision box.
Have downloaded the latest Tiled and STI with plugins.
I'm doing something wrong or so the plugin not support rotating/flipping tiles?
Edit, Fixed it. Added this to the Box2D plugin. Based on the code from init.lua file in STI.
Code: Select all
local function setFlippedGID(gid, object)
if gid ~= nil then
local bit31 = 2147483648
local bit30 = 1073741824
local bit29 = 536870912
local flipX = false
local flipY = false
local flipD = false
local sx = false
local sy = false
local realgid = gid
if realgid >= bit31 then
realgid = realgid - bit31
flipX = not flipX
if realgid >= bit30 then
realgid = realgid - bit30
flipY = not flipY
if realgid >= bit29 then
realgid = realgid - bit29
flipD = not flipD
if flipX then
if flipY and flipD then
sx = true
sy = true
elseif flipY then
sx = true
sy = true
elseif flipD then
sx = true
sx = true
elseif flipY then
sy = true
if sx then object.x = object.x - object.w end
if sy then object.y = object.y - object.h end
return object
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