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What should we do about old threads?

Block old threads
Only let authors bump old threads
Put a big warning at the top and bottom of the thread
Make it hard to comment old threads
Put an alert when commenting on old threads
Don't show the quick reply option (only Full editor)
Total votes: 62

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Re: Necroposting!

Post by bobbyjones »

We'll see the issue is, once you do that you will have people making a bunch of new threads and people complaining about the OP not searching first. But when they do search they find old threads. Then when they comment on those old threads they are told to make a new one. I just think it's all pointless. Adding a warning about the thread being old could be useful but why go through the effort if people will then just start complaining about not searching. When I google certain things old threads pop up and they pop up for everyone else, why shouldn't I comment on the thread if it could help future people who are searching as well.
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Re: Necroposting!

Post by Positive07 »

I promote creating a new thread if the need arises to ask a question, that is, if after a search in the forums no result was good enough to answer the question the person needs to ask. If that is the case he should open a new post, regarding if there was an ongoing one, so we can directly answer the specific question. If needed be, we can point that person to other posts he may find interesting to read and may be helpful, that may not arise with a simple search or are hard to parse because of the quantity of comments. I think the people who complain about not searching should be the ones to shut up and if they don't want to provide useful information they shouldn't comment at all!
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