A Few Questions on Love and Lua

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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by NykolaR »

I'll take a look at babelua, but probably wont use it tremendously often (because I won't be switching to VS any time soon). Could definitely be handy in certain situations though.

Relative to the thread in general, I've developed a class that's mostly helping out with what I wanted (finding bottlenecks, memory/performance tracking, ...) through a documenting class with some basic logging functions. Lots of thanks to Zorg for pointing out the analysis tools love has that I overlooked!

If I ever actually clean it up and make it generally useful, I'll put the files in the tools and library section! (right now it's pretty barebones and not super helpful)
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by SiENcE »

@paulclinger Sorry when i said "stable" in this topic. I meant it more as development process, that debugging is fully independend from the project source code, because it's fully integrated into the Development Environment.

I used "ZeroBrane Sudio" for a couple of smaller projects and sometimes it happend that the debugger does not stop at my breakpoints. I'm not sure why this happened, because i was not researching it. Also i had problems by continuing the session after a break. From time to time hit hangs and i had to restart the whole session.

But all this is based on an older version of zerobrane. So all people should try thierself and find thier own development environment :).

@paulclinger: If you really want to enhance Zerobrane (i like it because it's so great customizable) you should take a look at Atom Editor with "love-ide" plugin and BabeLua for thier features like "object-oriented model support" aso.

I would love to have debug integration into Atom. Just because it's my one and only Editor for all. I'll never switch to soemthing else in near future.
Zireael wrote:Babelua looks like a VS addon, though. How is the performance while debugging (since VS is a memory hog?)
Memory is a problem for you nowadays?!? I mean...how large can a lua project be?
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by Zireael »

Memory is a problem for you nowadays?!? I mean...how large can a lua project be?

I didn't say Lua project is a problem, I said Visual Studio itself. It gobs up 5 GB of RAM quickly.
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by Positive07 »

I think you are confusing something, Visual Studio does not consume that much memory, it's pretty lightweight nowadays, pretty much the same as Atom. It does consume a lot when working with some Forms and visual editting, and compilation and stuff... but I haven't yet found it's consumption to get really hard... not even 2GB so I think you are exagerating and you should try it.

I'm also an Atom user, it's really great and I have Lua addons that let me do almost everything. I'll probably make a debugger plugin sometime soon...
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by Zireael »

I've been using Visual Studio for a Unreal Engine 4 project so I know how much it consumes. The version's 2015 if it matters.
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by raidho36 »

Maximum amount of memory LuaJIT handles is 2 GB or thereabouts. Then it crashes. I think only Lua objects count towards this tally, so internal data for textures, sounds, etc. does not. It's a lot of room but as it has always been the case, hitting the ceiling is really easy if you don't manage resources properly.
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Re: A Few Questions on Love and Lua

Post by Positive07 »

Zireael wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:10 am I've been using Visual Studio for a Unreal Engine 4 project so I know how much it consumes. The version's 2015 if it matters.
I think that is because of Unreal? I haven't come across this compiling C++ projects and I have also opened some HTML/CSS/JS files to test with no additional consumption, same with some Lua files... I have Unity installed but I haven't used it yet
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