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Re: (something)

Post by s-ol »

mikeisinlove wrote:Hmm, after a three month break from this I think I might resume work on it, maybe even the final push, wish me luck.

please do! it would be very sad to see what seems to be one of the most intricate LÖVE projects be abandoned before completion.

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Re: (something)

Post by MicroMacro »

Is the level editor made in Love too? or is that a separate program?
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Re: (something)

Post by mikeisinlove »

MicroMacro wrote:Is the level editor made in Love too? or is that a separate program?
all love, all in one, I didn't want to have to use multiple programs for level editing/ drawing/ animation (especially since none of them work exactly what I want) etc or write new code for simple interactions so it's all just built in, you can edit all sorts of stuff and play straightaway.

The only real issue I have right now is that if you pause to edit then it resets the world/level, which is mostly fine but if you're tweaking something that comes after a long series of special events/interactions in a level it becomes somewhat inconvenient, this is due to the fact the engine is built on a very shoddy base that creates, populates, saves and destroys and restarts the whole level every frame when in edit mode, don't ask why, not even I can remember. Needless to say it's causing me some headaches now. I didn't expect it to get so large so I didn't plan for it.
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Re: (something)

Post by skyHights »

What version of love is it all in?
I also love (haha, accidental pun) what you've posted so far,
please, please, please finish it
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Re: (something)

Post by skyHights »

the engine is built on a very shoddy base that creates, populates, saves and destroys and restarts the whole level every frame when in edit mode
That right there...
You sir, have found one of the most complicated ways, I can imagine to do this...
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Re: (something)

Post by mikeisinlove »

skyHights wrote:
the engine is built on a very shoddy base that creates, populates, saves and destroys and restarts the whole level every frame when in edit mode
You sir, have found one of the most complicated ways, I can imagine to do this...
Well I finally just got around to fixing that after a nice ~7 month break from working on this. It's been about a week now, mostly fixing other random shit that doesn't make any sense, might be a while till I have anything cool to show.

I just changed the image gallery to work on a tag system rather than just assigning a type based on what folder the image was in like I had before so now I can have one item show up in multiple tags, just need to create some sort of ui for managing them now.

Also finally got around to making a visual preview for the emitters in a level so I don't have to re-run constantly to have an idea of the effect, it shows spawn area with circle, area of effect with an arc, amount of stuff with some lines, and alpha of the particles with... well the alpha of the preview. Also changed from dials to sliders because dials look cool but are a pain to use. Bottom slider changes variance which is also shown as a yellowy fraction of the actual slider.
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Re: (something)

Post by ReFreezed »

It's always fun to see progress in this project. I'm making a drawing and animation tool at the moment, all using love, to use for my future games. I imagine I'll be implementing some similar features as your editor has.
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Re: (something)

Post by easy82 »

I love the art style! I hope one day we can play this game :)
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Re: (something)

Post by Positive07 »

Or mod it... hell that editor!! <3
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Re: (something)

Post by mikeisinlove »

mikeisinlove wrote: Well I finally just got around to fixing that after a nice ~7 month break from working on this.
I need to stop jinxing myself like this, as soon as I say "I'm back" I stop again. Anyway, I forgot to mention until now but the the code actually is all up on github, so feel free to take a look/ mess around. Keep in mind I tend to leave things halfway through redoing them so most things don't work properly. I only tested it on windows once, very briefly and a lot of things to do with managing files (also some keyboard things) were totally broken, I managed to fix them pretty quickly so I know it's not a huge deal but it was on someone else's computer and I lost the changes, haven't gotten around to re-fixing it so keep in mind if you're on windows you're kinda fucked.
But even if you're not on windows, the whole thing is a mess and everything is basically falling apart so don't expect much.


added my (also barely readable) to do list https://github.com/tlcarus/oneiria/blob/master/TODO

Edit 2:
If you see words like "entity" "object" or "physics", just ignore them, over time things have been shuffled around to the point that these terms not only don't mean what you think they do, but also aren't even consistent within the code. Sometimes "objects" are inexplicably also "entities" and 90% of the physics folder has nothing to do with physics of any kind etc etc. Also no you're not hallucinating, there really IS that much hardcoded UI shit, silly I know.
Last edited by mikeisinlove on Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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