Hooks - https://github.com/icegt95/icegts_love2 ... e_hook.lua
...another hook system that I'm currently using in a project I hope to get greenlit this year, which is kinda like the one GMod uses, but kinda not - the main difference being that hook.call will return a table of all values returned by any called hook. hook.run will return the first value it receives. The system can be modified easily to perform differently if need be.
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-- Example 1:
hook.add( "ShouldSkipStartupMessage", "blocking_1", function()
return true
end )
love.load = function()
local should_skip = hook.run( "ShouldSkipStartupMessage" )
if not ( should_skip == true ) then -- for demonstration purposes
print( "Startup message wasn't skipped" )
-- Example 2:
hook.add( "LoveGameStartOrSomething", "ex2_hooka", function( num1, num2, num3 )
return "Random numbers to format for results_tab - " .. num1 .. ", " .. num2 .. ", " .. num3 .. "!"
end )
hook.add( "LoveGameStartOrSomething", "ex2_hookb", function( num1, num2, num3 )
return "This will also be returned in results_tab - " .. num1 .. ", " .. num2 .. ", " .. num3 .. "!"
end )
love.load = function()
local results_tab = hook.call( "LoveGameStartOrSomething", math.random(), math.random(), math.random() )
if results_tab then
for idx, res_str in next, results_tab, nil do
print( res_str )
Expands on lua's table library with functions similar to those in Garry's Mod.