"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Positive07 »

I'm pretty sure what xNick1 wrote would work in any device. It doesn't deal with multitouch so it will only detect a single finger, but it will work nonetheless.

If you need multitouch then what 4aiman said is better fit for the task.

Note that the first finger is mapped to the [wiki]love.mouse[/wiki] module, while if you need multitouch you should use [wiki]love.touch[/wiki] module
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by xNick1 »

Positive07 wrote:I'm pretty sure what xNick1 wrote would work in any device. It doesn't deal with multitouch so it will only detect a single finger, but it will work nonetheless.

If you need multitouch then what 4aiman said is better fit for the task.

Note that the first finger is mapped to the [wiki]love.mouse[/wiki] module, while if you need multitouch you should use [wiki]love.touch[/wiki] module
Thanks man.
Very useful info as always :D
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by c4p14in3_ »

Hello, it's my first time of this forum so sorry if I sound dumb.

So I was playing with the flux tweening library and I wanted to tween the radius of my object so it can follow my mouse smoothly
but when the radius go from -3 to 3 the tweening go the other way around.
I understand that it's because i divide by 0 in the radius operation but I don't know how to correct it.

I you don't understand what i'm trying to say just play my code and you will understand directly.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by drunken_munki »

c4p14in3_ wrote:... I wanted to tween the radius of my object so it can follow my mouse smoothly...
Ok I went from here, I didn't use flux because I just wanted to see the issue you had, maybe this helps?

Code: Select all

--- Settings
local trackDelay       = 0.9 -- Slows down the tracking as it come closer to the target
local trackSpeed       = 2   -- General speed of the tracking

--- Locals
local rectangle        = nil
local centreX, centreY = nil, nil
local repereX, repereY = nil, nil
local angle            = 0
local currentAngle     = 0
local deltaAngle       = 0

function love.load()
  rectangle            = love.graphics.newImage("rectangle.jpg")
  centreX, centreY     = rectangle:getDimensions()  
  centreX              = centreX * 0.5
  centreY              = centreY * 0.5
  repereX, repereY     = love.graphics.getDimensions()  
  repereX              = repereX * 0.5
  repereY              = repereY * 0.5

function love.update(dt)
  --- Problem #1
  -- This effectively goes from 0 to 180 (in degrees) if the mouse was below the centre and 0 to -180 when above:
  angle                = math.atan2((love.mouse.getY() - repereY), (love.mouse.getX() - repereX))
  -- So I re-purpose the angle to go from 0 -> 360:
  local angle_deg      = math.deg(angle) 
  if angle_deg < 0 then
    angle_deg          = angle_deg + 360
  angle                = math.rad(angle_deg)
  --- Problem #2
  -- We create a new variable to store the current 'rendering' angle of the shape;
  -- and we can slowly transition it towards the target angle.
  -- So I start with the difference between the two, which would be positive if the shape
  -- needs to track clockwise to the mouse, and negative to track anti-clockwise:
  deltaAngle           = (angle - currentAngle)
  --- Problem #3
  -- The cross over from any point at 360 -> 0 degrees would make the transition loop all the way around;
  -- so correct the deltaAngle to just continue:
  if math.deg(deltaAngle) < -180 then
    deltaAngle = math.rad(math.deg(deltaAngle) + 360)
  -- Finally, slowly transition the current angle towards the target angle:
  currentAngle         = currentAngle + (deltaAngle * trackDelay * dt) * trackSpeed
  -- currentAngle         = angle -- This would be the original movement

function love.mousepressed(mouseX, mouseY, button)
  if button == 1 then
    repereX = mouseX
    repereY = mouseY


function twoDP(val)
  return string.format("%5.2f", val)

function love.draw()
  love.graphics.line(0, repereY, 800, repereY)
  love.graphics.line(repereX, 0, repereX, 600)
  love.graphics.draw(rectangle, repereX, repereY, currentAngle, _, _, centreX, centreY)
  love.graphics.print("mouse angle: " .. twoDP(angle) .. ", " .. twoDP(math.deg(angle)), 0, 0)
  love.graphics.print("current angle: " .. twoDP(currentAngle) .. ", " .. twoDP(math.deg(currentAngle)), 0, 30)
  love.graphics.print("delta angle: " .. twoDP(deltaAngle) .. ", " .. twoDP(math.deg(deltaAngle)), 0, 60)
Ah crap there might still be an issue somewhere in all that.

If the thing is rotating one way, and you move the mouse the other way the transition looks a bit 'hard' when it changes direction... maybe it needs something clever here to make it softer.

Also, sometimes it goes a full ~270 degrees when it could just go -90. There might be a glitch somewhere, Sorry :/
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by zorg »

c4p14in3_ wrote:(...)
Just do math.abs() on it so the sign won't matter... though that may not work as you want it to either.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by bartbes »

After over 90 pages of.. well, a mess, I think it's time we close this topic. If you've got a question you feel doesn't deserve its own thread: don't ask it. And if that doesn't help, it clearly deserves its own thread.

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