Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Discuss any ports of LÖVE to different platforms.
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Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by Autophoenix »

I bought this little computer which features a 1 GHz ARM CPU, 512 MB of RAM and 4 GB of flash storage and I wonder if anyone has already made a port to it. If not, how can I do it? By the way, this computer is capable of running Doom and Quake.
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by SiENcE »

Nice. I'm waiting for mine to start porting :).

here is a good review about pocketchip: http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/06/25/ ... -computer/
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by Autophoenix »

SiENcE wrote:Nice. I'm waiting for mine to start porting :).

here is a good review about pocketchip: http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/06/25/ ... -computer/
Yes! I'm also waiting for mine too, which should come in August :awesome:
By the way, thanks for sharing the review!
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by josefnpat »

I too have ordered one - I can't wait to see if I can get love running as well!
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by Jack5500 »

I must admit I cancelled mine. I didn't like that it has a QWERTY keyboard. Also the whole PICO-8 stuff seems to be self-contained with no real obvious developing strategy in the documentation. So they seem to expect you to write your games on that little thing, which just didn't click with me.
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by SiENcE »

As long as Löve runs on this device and OpenGL ES 2.0 is possible...everything is fine ot me.

A Case with Keyboard would be great imho.
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by DanielPower »

Jack5500 wrote:I must admit I cancelled mine. I didn't like that it has a QWERTY keyboard. Also the whole PICO-8 stuff seems to be self-contained with no real obvious developing strategy in the documentation. So they seem to expect you to write your games on that little thing, which just didn't click with me.
The games are written in PICO-8, and can be written on the device itself. But you can also write the games on your PC, and transfer them to the device. PICO-8 runs and can be developed on Windows, Mac, Linux, as well as the PocketC.H.I.P.

And since PICO-8 is Lua based, porting LOVE "should" be trivial.
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by Jasoco »

Bumping because I've been interested in the PocketChip for a while now. At least the idea of being able to play around and prototype on the go. If I could get one and put the most recent version of Löve on it, I'd buy it instantly. But right now it looks to be a bit wonky. The thing has a really nice big screen with a nice high resolution, but they only show it off running Pico8, which while it's a great little app, it doesn't really do much to show off the device.

What I'd love to see in the next PocketChip generation, and I'd pay much more for this too:
  • Wide device layout, something like the PSP. Put an actual control stick (Or just a D-Pad) on the left and 4 buttons on the right, maybe add a start and select button and an L/R trigger on each shoulder. I mean right now it's cute and all, but those controls just seem terrible. Design a device with dedicated game controls and it'd be perfect.
  • But now how do you actually code on it? Well that's when you put a slide out keyboard behind the screen of course.
  • More storage space would be nice. At least 16GB if not 8.
  • Cloud syncing for getting your Pico8 and Löve projects between your computer and Chip. All built-in. DropBox if it needs to, if not some other system. If this isn't possible, then a different way of syncing.
But at the very least, Löve 0.10.x. I'd love to push it to its limits. I wonder how well Löve would run on the current one. How much you'd be able to do on screen before it becomes unbearable. Pico8 is really limited on purpose, but I'd love to see what happens when you push it to the limits with something more purposely capable. So I guess the question is, can we put Löve on this? And is it the current version? Does it have support for things like canvases? What are its limitations? It's based on Debian Linux so I'd assume Löve could run on it? And DropBox has a Linux version. I'd assume it'd be trivial? Or are there problems?
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by Jasoco »

Nobody? I thought a couple of you got one.
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Re: Löve on PocketC.H.I.P.?

Post by jedi453 »

Jasoco wrote:What I'd love to see in the next PocketChip generation, and I'd pay much more for this too:
Devices like this do exist, and I've always wanted one, but they are significantly more expensive.
Depending on your budget, here are the two options I know of that should be capable:
  • The GPD Win ( About 400 USD ) - A Windows "Laptop" from the Chinese company GPD, It's a clamshell device that has 64GB of storage, 4GB RAM and a 5.5" screen along with a thumb keyboard and some gaming controls. LOVE should run fine on it, it has a full version of Windows 10 ( Actually x86 type architecture too, not ARM ). I don't own one, but I've heard it can run Linux pretty well too after some DIY (If you're interested ) . A lot more information can be found here: http://boards.dingoonity.org/gpd-windows-devices/
  • The DragonPox Pyra ( Spiritual Successor to the OpenPandora Handheld - Not Out yet, but probably around 500-800 USD depending on model. ) - Same idea as the GPD Win, but running Linux on an ARM processor. I personally think it's overpriced at this point, but it's a very niche product that probably wont see mass production. I can't guarantee it will run LOVE, but it's supposed to run Debian Linux for ARM, which should make it possible. Also will have a keyboard and gamepad built in: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/pages/pyra/
Jasoco wrote:
  • Wide device layout, something like the PSP. Put an actual control stick (Or just a D-Pad) on the left and 4 buttons on the right, maybe add a start and select button and an L/R trigger on each shoulder. I mean right now it's cute and all, but those controls just seem terrible. Design a device with dedicated game controls and it'd be perfect.
  • But now how do you actually code on it? Well that's when you put a slide out keyboard behind the screen of course.
  • More storage space would be nice. At least 16GB if not 8.
  • Cloud syncing for getting your Pico8 and Löve projects between your computer and Chip. All built-in. DropBox if it needs to, if not some other system. If this isn't possible, then a different way of syncing.
These should all be possible on the GPD Win, mentioned above.

Again, I've been dreaming about a device like this for years for mobile development. I backed the PocketCHIP on Kickstarter, and have my unit. I think it's a very interesting concept, but unfortunately your concerns are spot on ( In my opinion ).
  • I've tried PICO-8 on it and controlling the games just doesn't feel intuitive. But honestly, this is personal opinion, and one could probably adjust to it.
  • The screen is 4.3 inches, however the resolution is very low ( in my opinion ). It's 480x272 pixels.
  • The keyboard seems finicky. ( At least on my unit, could be defective. ) - Certain keys are consistently difficult to register, mainly backspace and enter, but there are some others.
  • Things like file editing and launching programs can be tedious, generally things can be simplified, but at some point, you'll need to use the console / command line to set things up the way you like it. It may be more of a DIY project than you had in mind. If you used Linux before, especially the command line, you may feel right at home though.
  • I do really like the device though, but it didn't quite end up being what I had hoped for. I think Next Thing Co. has done a wonderful job bringing this device to market and making it as user friendly as possible for the price-point, and delivering a quality product with good support. Again these were just some of my opinions, I don't want to say it wont work, just keep in mind this isn't quite the "full-blown computer" it's marketed to be, unless your into tinkering.
  • I don't know if it would bother you, but the PocketCHIP does not have a built-in speaker. If you need it, your options are to use a pair of 3.5mm headphones ( pretty standard ), or take apart the CHIP and add a speaker ( again pretty DIY ) - https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/add-a-speake ... nutes/4511
Jasoco wrote: But at the very least, Löve 0.10.x. I'd love to push it to its limits.

Unfortunately, I don't have the skills necessary to port it myself. Over the next few days, I'll try to see if I can make an attempt at running it ( if it's available in the PocketCHIP or Debian ARM repositories ) , however, this is a busy time of year for me. I'll try to let you know what I find out.
Another possible suggestion is to use a cheap android phone, and attach something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/121836695499?_t ... EBIDX%3AIT
I personally think this is your best bet, if you don't mind some slight tinkering. It gives you a fairly full keyboard with pretty good gaming controls.

Good luck, I hope you find the perfect solution for you!
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