Creating classes/modules

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Creating classes/modules

Post by jonathancyu »

How would I create classes and modules? I've been using tables in the main file to use for classes but there has to be a better way (requiring classes in the folder?)
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Re: Creating classes/modules

Post by raidho36 »

Lua only has tables so no, you will always wind up using tables. Having enough dedication, you can do it via closures but you really shouldn't.

Lua doesn't have classes so regardless of the way you do it, it's fine - as long as you don't do anything absurd, of course. Conventional way is to create a table that has a number of functions attached to it, which represents class, and to create an instance of the class you create a new table and assign class table as its metatable, i.e.

Code: Select all

local instance = setmetatable ( { }, Class )
It's a common practice to put that in a "new" method of a class and then return the instance from it.

As for modules, since certain Lua version the way you do it is by defining a (local) master table in a file, and at the end of the file returning that table. All functions, variables and constants go into that table. You can, of course, use locals there.

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local module = { }
function ( )
  return bar
return module
Then you can require that file as a module.
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Re: Creating classes/modules

Post by zorg »

For libs/modules, this is a neat read in my opinion: ... a-modules/
But basically, what raidho said above.
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Re: Creating classes/modules

Post by Tjakka5 »

If you dont want to use libraries, here's 2 ways of doing it.

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local Class = {}
Class.x = 0
Class.y = 0

function, y)
   local object = {
      x = x,
      y = y,

   return setmetatable(object, {
      __index = Class

function Class:getPosition()
   return self.x, self.y

return setmetatable(Class, {
  __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end

Code: Select all

local function getPosition(self)
   return self.x, self.y

local function new(x, y)
   return {
      x = x or 0,
      y = y or 0,

      getPosition = getPosition

return setmetatable({
   new = new,
   getPosition = getPosition
}, {
   __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end
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