What code editor do you use ?

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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by paulclinger »

shatterblast wrote:
no_akira wrote: Q: Watch window doesn't displayed values whilst code is running ?
Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either. It requires entering values, which I suppose works for debugging purposes. I just assume it's an incomplete feature unfortunately. The version is still 0.361. I see updates for the software about once a month, if not more. For example, the ability to run a main.lua file from an Ubuntu Linux window is recent from about 6 months ago.
@shatterblast, @no_akira, I'm glad you like the IDE. You are right: the watch window is only updated when the app is suspended in the debugger (the same also applies to the stack window). Since the debugger works over TCP, it would be very slow to update the expressions dynamically after each command (and the engine doesn't know if any values have changed until they are evaluated).

BTW, versions of ZBS starting with 0.36 are going to support more Linux distros (I used to only package for Ubuntu, but now can also support ArchLinux, Fedora, Gentoo, and others 32/64bit); although I'm not going to support distribution through package managers as this requires a newer version of wxwidgets that is not (yet) available.

I'm trying to have packaged releases at least every 6 weeks; some versions take longer (for example, 0.36 took almost 8 weeks because of wxwidgets upgrade and related cross-platform changes), but some take less (0.37 is planned to be released next week). The code is updated on almost daily basis (https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBrane ... se/monthly), so there is frequently something new being added (or something existing being improved). I also have some documentation available; quick start guide gives a 5-minute overview of the IDE.

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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by no_akira »

Hello Paul K, honestly I've been like goldilocks, searching for your IDE for about 2 years. I've tried Eric 4, Monkey Studio, Ninja, Spyder, Geany even the huge Java bloat that is NetBeans. Admittedly its been for Python (PySide API) and PyGame. They've all been so-so, good at this, but mostly bad at autocompletion. The only one that is near to your "olympic sprinter" standard is Geany & Eric 4 (lite editor - doesn't do autocompletion). They could all learn from your IDE.

I found your tutorial on using the Debubbing Scratchpad and was just about to post a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6rrwWv ... tu.be&hd=1 Linux version doesn't seem to recognise the "if args(#args)........" line.

In Spyder there is a cool browser / Python webkit tab that can link to online API notes for quick access. Could you link somehow to the LOVE wiki for quick API notes.

ZeroBrane + Love2d is a great resource for stimulating childrens minds to programming. It would be great if it worked on the Raspberry PI ?

PS - I'm am using your latest from the github repository
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by paulclinger »

no_akira wrote:Hello Paul K, honestly I've been like goldilocks, searching for your IDE for about 2 years. I've tried Eric 4, Monkey Studio, Ninja, Spyder, Geany even the huge Java bloat that is NetBeans. Admittedly its been for Python (PySide API) and PyGame. They've all been so-so, good at this, but mostly bad at autocompletion. The only one that is near to your "olympic sprinter" standard is Geany & Eric 4 (lite editor - doesn't do autocompletion). They could all learn from your IDE.
@no_akira, love the "goldilocks" and "olympic sprinter" comparison ;)

> I found your tutorial on using the Debubbing Scratchpad and was just about to post a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi6rrwWv ... tu.be&hd=1 Linux version doesn't seem to recognise the "if args(#args)........" line.

I'll need to check that as I'd expect that to work. It should be "args[#args]"; could this be the reason? The full source I used in the demo is available in the EduPack: https://github.com/pkulchenko/ZeroBrane ... r/main.lua

> In Spyder there is a cool browser / Python webkit tab that can link to online API notes for quick access. Could you link somehow to the LOVE wiki for quick API notes.

Quite possibly; one of the reasons I wanted to upgrade to the latest version of wxwidgets was to get access to the newver version of WebView, which would provide a way to integrate HTML pages along with CSS/JavaScript support.

This can be interesting; I should probably write an example on how you can add a menu item that would give you a shortcut to load help page for the function under the cursor. Do you mean showing this page (https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.getDistance) for "love.physics.getDistance"?

> ZeroBrane + Love2d is a great resource for stimulating childrens minds to programming. It would be great if it worked on the Raspberry PI ?

Absolutely agree; I haven't had a chance to try that yet. If you have access to a Raspberry with something like Raspbian running on it, you can try to compile ZBS binaries for it. It seem like it could be done according to RPi forums: http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewt ... 5&p=292883

One "easy" way to try would be to clone ZBS and then run the included build script for linux:

> cd build
> ./build-linux.sh all

It should build wxwidgets, lua, wxlua, and luasocket and put all the binaries in the right places for you to run ZBS. There is also build-linux-prep-deb.sh that will install prerequisites (like cmake, gtk-dev and such).

Please let me know if you get to compile it. Thanks!
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by no_akira »

Yes, debug mode and values now appear in the Static pop out window. Shift + F10 to skip through code stack.
if arg and arg[#arg] == "-debug" then require("mobdebug").start() end
Will look at getting it working on my Raspberry PI (Raspian) at the weekend
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by vitaminx »


Code: Select all

" show line numbers
set nu

" shift width used by >> and <<
set shiftwidth=4

" instead of wrapping long lines mark them and set how many characters to scroll when reaching end of line
set nowrap
set listchars+=precedes:<,extends:>
set sidescroll=5

" set background color
set background=dark

" convert tabs to spaces and set tab width
set expandtab
set tabstop=4

" automatic indention
set autoindent

" how many vim commands should be remembered (default=20)
set history=1000

" extended block matching with % key
runtime macros/matchit.vim

" bash-like autocompletion with TAB key in command mode
set wildmenu
set wildmode=list:longest

" searches are only case sensitive if search term contains uppercase letter
set ignorecase
set smartcase

" highlight search terms while typing
set hlsearch
set incsearch

" keeping more space when scrolling off the screen
set scrolloff=3

" CTRL-e / CTRL+y scroll viewport several lines up/down
nnoremap <C-e> 3<C-e>
nnoremap <C-y> 3<C-y>

" full syntax highlighting
syntax on
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

" avoid Press Enter to continue messages
set shortmess=atI

" colors for autocomplete menu (CTRL+n) and search pattern
highlight Pmenu ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
highlight PmenuSel ctermfg=0 ctermbg=7
highlight Search ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4

" show cursor position
"set cursorline
set cursorcolumn

" maximum tabs
set tpm=50

" set fold method (manual / syntax)
set foldmethod=manual

" save folds in documents
"autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview
"autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview

" clearing last search with enter key and when closing buffer
nnoremap <CR> :noh<CR><CR>
autocmd BufUnload * let @/=""

" execute current script with F1 according to shebang
map <F1> :call CallInterpreter()<CR>

au BufEnter * if match (getline(1) , '^\#!') == 0 | execute("let b:interpreter = getline(1)[2:]") | endif

fun! CallInterpreter()
    if exists("b:interpreter")
        exec("! ".b:interpreter." %")
- autoindenting whole documents with "gg=G"
- marking blocks with "shift+v", then creating folds with "zf", opening folds with "zo", closing them with "zc".
- using tabs with "vim -p <file1> <file2> <file...>", changing between them with "gt"

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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by easy82 »

I use ZeroBrane Studio. I love that it's easy to install, cross-platform, tightly integrated with LÖVE, it has built-in code-completion even for LÖVE, there are debugging and live coding tools, I only miss a decent settings window.

Sometimes I also use gedit, or any other text editor.
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by gamemaker91 »

gedit. huge undo history which is handy and great highlighting for tons of languages.
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by IanS »

I use Kate for all my coding and text editing needs. If you have Konsole installed then it has a built in console that is easy to min/max as needed. It has highlighting and indentation options for nearly every language under the sun and it's really easy to customize the theme and highlighting. Also has a spell checker if needed and a handy dandy Vim mode for when I am in the mood to use Vim style editing.
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by clod »

I use and suggest Codelobster
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Re: What code editor do you use ?

Post by Positive07 »

I'm glad that you necroposted instead of creating a new one of this posts... on the issue I'm currently the happiest person thanks to Atom and the broad quantity of plugins for EVERYTHING! For LÖVE I use LÖVE-Atom + build-love + linter-luacheck

LÖVE-Atom provides autocompletion for the LÖVE API while linter-luacheck lints my files and spots errors on the go (this has speeded up my development a lot) and build-love let's me run LÖVE with a single keypress and see the command line output in an Atom panel.

In the future I may create plugins for hot-reloading and debugging with breakpoints, but I haven't found a need for that yet.

It's like a new universe when comming from Notepad++, the customizability and asthetics are simply amazing, and it works really well.
for i, person in ipairs(everybody) do
[tab]if not person.obey then person:setObey(true) end
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