Btw, the love.wheelmoved(x,y) function feeds -100/100 y-values instead of the regular -1/1 from love. Not sure if you can fix that or if its dependant on some lib you used.
For now I'll just devide the value by 100 I suppose .
here's a procedural dungeon generator ripped from my game
this is the debug mode, so you get to watch the dungeon being made in real time :O
alloyed wrote:
here's a procedural dungeon generator ripped from my game
this is the debug mode, so you get to watch the dungeon being made in real time :O
I ran into a problem, that is not supported, so I had to replace the usages by a function returning tuples. Is that a known limitation of the Emscripten version?
This infinite maze thing is really cool! One could use it for a game where the screen moves at a constant speed, and the player would have to navigate a character in the maze by making quick decisions about the right direction.
Controls: Click to add point; any key to run visualization; "r" to reset
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