Turquoise2D Editor & Engine

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Turquoise2D Editor & Engine

Post by erayzesen »

Hi löve2D developers! : )

I'm working on Turquoise2D editor(visual editor for frameworks). And I'm also working on a c++ game engine Turquoise2D Engine.

The visual editor will work with Cocos2d-x, Löve2D and Turquoise2D engine. However the project is in the alpha phase.

What will you make with Turquoise2D Editor?

-Design modern or tile based levels.
-Edit basic physics properties and shapes.
-Create or edit spritesheet files.
-Create UI elements.

The mission of Turquoise2D Editor is to be a friend for generic visual operations of game frameworks.

At this point; I need your help to keep improving my project. I need your support. If you want to support the project and more detail;

How it works video is in here (Alpha version and Cocos2d-x);

Thank you.
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Re: Turquoise2D Editor & Engine

Post by blurymind »

what does it run on? Apart of mac...

Linux, Android, Windows??
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Re: Turquoise2D Editor & Engine

Post by Tanner »

What you show in the video is basically the same functionality as Tiled which already exports to all the platforms you're supporting. So the main difference between what you're building and Tiled would be the "Define a class to the player object" bit but that sort of gets hand-waved over in the video so I'm curious: Will behaviours be cross-platform as well? How do you plan to tackle that? Without that, why would I use this over Tiled?
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