I'm doing low-res pixel art game and I want it to scale nicely on all monitors, with lowest possible resolution for a given monitor without image stretching.
I'm using Gamera library for camera handling ( https://github.com/kikito/gamera ) and Light_World (aka. Light vs. Shadow v2) library for real time lighting/shadows ( https://github.com/tanema/light_world.lua )
I've been trying to use Maid64 (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=82034 , https://github.com/adekto/maid64 ) but it doesn't do anything...
Code: Select all
function love.load()
-- Resolution settings
fullscreen = true,
fullscreentype = "exclusive",
maid64.setup(640,480) -- just an example, normally it'll be calculated using getFullscreenModes.
-- Light_World init
LW = LightWorld({
-- options here
cam = gamera.new(0, 0, world_size_x, world_size_y)
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
maid64.start()--starts the maid64 process
cam:draw(function(l, t, w, h) -- Gamera draw function
LW:draw(function() -- Light_World draw function
-- All the love.graphics.draw calls for different objects
maid64.finish()--finishes the maid64 process
What I (kinda) want:
How do I proceed with this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Edit: adding .love file for tinkering.