I'm running love 0.10.1 in Windows 7 using the simple command line instruction:
Code: Select all
love .
The issue is that no matter what Love program I try to run, be it a self written game or a simple hello world, it takes easily 30 seconds before the program renders from a white empty window to the actual game/program itself.
Now, once the program is running, the rendering seems to run very smoothly. So I don't think its necessarily a performance issue.
As said, even the simplest hello world exposes this issue.
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print("Hello World", 400, 300)
After running the command, instantly a white window pops up. However, it stays empty (and seems unresponsive) for tens of seconds. Sometimes it's about 3 seconds, but most of the time it's half a minute.
Is this a known bug ?