If you're learning game programming check out Handmade Hero

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If you're learning game programming check out Handmade Hero

Post by Santos »

Hi everyone,

If you're learning game programming, I recommend checking out Handmade Hero. It might not be your thing, but it's worth knowing that it exists.

To quote from the home page...
Handmade Hero is an ongoing project to create a complete, professional-quality game accompanied by videos that explain every single line of its source code.
It's very "low level" (it uses C++ but without many of the features that C doesn't have, and doesn't use any libraries) and it's free (the videos are free but the game and code aren't free yet, but the code will be).

I'd like to point out a few more things about it that seem rare for learning resources but seem totally vital to me after seeing it...
  • It's not pre-planned, and you get to see the actual programming process. This involves debugging and making mistakes and figuring out how to do things when you're not sure. The thought process is explained.
  • The person doing it is a good and experienced programmer. They're not just repeating what they've learned in a book or whatever, but actually teaching from what they've found to be true through experience.
  • The person doing it is also a good communicator. Things are explained well.
  • It covers a lot of ground. It's not finished yet, but creating a full game from nothing but C++ and operating system APIs is on a way more ambitious scale than any other learning resource I've seen.
It's not LOVE related, but I figure it might be of interest to some people reading these forums because LOVE is kind of low level compared to some of the other options out there, and plus a lot of people here are learning game programming.
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