I've run into a problem when scaling test.
When I scale it, it become rough and blurry around the edges like in the screenshot (the text is scaled by 2 on X and Y).
love.graphics.print("Choose your preferred background colour", (love.graphics.getWidth()/2)-135, 100, 0, 2, 2)
to print the text adn i'm using the latest version of Love.
Is there anything that I'm missing?
Should I be using a different function?
Is my font formatted improperly?
(I'm using the arial.ttf font, which is bundled with windows)
I'm having trouble as well getting the font to be nice and clear. I'm porting my lua app to love2d and here's a sample of the results. love2d on the left, original on the right. The do use different fonts so they won't be exactly the same but I think love2d has room to get much better quality than it's getting.
I've debugged this kind of font problem in other engines and it usually comes down to the texture coordinate generation for the glyphs. Could someone with more experience with love help me verify what the font texture and coordinates.
If I could get access to the texture the font is using as well as some sample glyph data we could create a better apples to apples comparison by rendering out some letters by hand and comparing them to the built in love.graphics.print routine.
How are you drawing the text? You shouldn't be scaling it, you should create a new Font object and set that instead. Please provide a .love file, as it will help us help you.
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg = love.graphics
local font = love.graphics.newFont( "Consolas.ttf", 12 )
local base00 = {101, 123, 131, 255} -- body text / default code / primary content
local base3 = {253, 246, 227, 255} -- background
love.graphics.setFont( font )
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor( base3 )
function love.draw()
love.graphics.setColor( base00 )
love.graphics.print('Hello Font (consolas)', 10,10)