pgimeno wrote:Does that mean that it doesn't support Chromium 37.0.2062.120 either (the one I'm checking it with and in which it runs)? What are the minimum Firefox and Chromium versions supported?
The reality is that this is an extremely complex (and large!) JS blob. Even if a given browser is completely supports the feature set, this library really puts the JS engine through it's paces. My inclination would be not to support anything but the most recent stable browser versions but (as you're experiencing) it may run otherwise. If you're interested in compiling an exhaustive list of supported browser versions I would definitely appreciate that information. It would make bug reports a lot easier to deal with.
I made a shitty Game of life clone to test it out:
I think I will use this to test out quick ideas. I am Very impressed!
I was trying to add interactivity to the metaball thing. At first I only added love.update and it worked, then I added the love.mouse* callbacks and now if I run it the page freezes. Does this happen to anyone else?
EDIT: Ok, sorry, it was a syntax error. Here's the working one:
Last edited by Nixola on Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la =
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg =
I'd love to add this feature. I'll try to implement it when I have some time, but I'm quite busy because of school. If you want to help, feel free to contribute to the repo:
monsieur_h wrote:Works fine on Firefox, but I have an error with qutebrowser (webkit based), it floods the following error :
>error: attempt to call a number value
monsieur_h wrote:Works fine on Firefox, but I have an error with qutebrowser (webkit based), it floods the following error :
>error: attempt to call a number value
This means you browser hasn't been able to initialize the engine. Sorry! Qutebrowser might be built off an older version of webkit or something.
Is there a way that we can share a link that "hides the code"? I'd be ok with there being a link to the code, but it would be nice to "deploy" games like this for Ludum Dare and stuff with this!
Missing Sentinel Software | Twitter FORCIBLY IGNORED.
<leafo> when in doubt delete all of your code
<bartbes> git rm -r *
<bartbes> git commit -m "Fixed all bugs"
<bartbes> git push
josefnpat wrote:Is there a way that we can share a link that "hides the code"? I'd be ok with there being a link to the code, but it would be nice to "deploy" games like this for Ludum Dare and stuff with this!
Not now, sorry! Though you just have to export it to a main.lua and upload it on