Here's a little thing I've been working on, an AABB/Triangle intersection test.
Might prove vital for some game logic, if a penetration delta is implemented for proper collision handling.
- VectorByte
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Great!VectorByte wrote:Here's a little thing I've been working on, an AABB/Triangle intersection test.
Might prove vital for some game logic, if a penetration delta is implemented for proper collision handling.
Are creators still around? I might send in a PR sometime. Maybe the shearing or default shader.
Very nice library and CPML is also a lot bigger and more exhaustive than I expected. I don't need to write simplex noise from scratch anymore
Very nice library and CPML is also a lot bigger and more exhaustive than I expected. I don't need to write simplex noise from scratch anymore
PRs are always welcome
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
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LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
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All right, PR sent to CPML. After mat4:shear I can also send a l3d.shear.
How's the progress on this?Trebgarta wrote:Are creators still around? I might send in a PR sometime. Maybe the shearing or default shader.
Very nice library and CPML is also a lot bigger and more exhaustive than I expected. I don't need to write simplex noise from scratch anymore
I would love to see LÖVE3D improved more.
I actually removed the l3d transform API because it sucked, I just haven't pushed the changes yet (that was done for LD36). This is why the shear PR wasn't merged. After that commit usage will be to just make a matrix with CPML and use shader:send instead of doing it behind the scenes (it was too finicky).
That said, I've gotten pretty sick of fighting love (and the devs on love's scope) for every little feature I want and not really having the tools to make things reliable, so I've been off writing an engine instead.
I intend to keep LOVE3D working (and we still use it for LD), but I don't see myself adding new features in the near future.
That said, I've gotten pretty sick of fighting love (and the devs on love's scope) for every little feature I want and not really having the tools to make things reliable, so I've been off writing an engine instead.
I intend to keep LOVE3D working (and we still use it for LD), but I don't see myself adding new features in the near future.
excessive ❤ moé (LÖVE3D, CPML, ...). holo on IRC.
Or you could just use Unity.
Hahahahahahahaha..... Unity.
STI - An awesome Tiled library
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
LÖVE3D - A 3D library for LÖVE 0.10+
Dev Blog | GitHub | excessive ❤ moé
haha, nope, I'm not playing the black box engine game.
edit: to be more clear, said engine already covers what our old one did anyways. there's no reason we'd use unity.
edit: to be more clear, said engine already covers what our old one did anyways. there's no reason we'd use unity.
excessive ❤ moé (LÖVE3D, CPML, ...). holo on IRC.
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