The open-source Fantasy Computer
About:Website: Page:
Google Play: ... ame.liko12
LIKO-12 is an open source fantasy computer completely written in the Lua programming language where you can make, play and share tiny retro-looking games and programs.
The LIKO-12 fantasy computer comes with a default, fully customizable, DOS-like operating system installed, called DiskOS, which provides an environment with basic command line programs and visual game editors.
Games are stored as disk files that can be saved, shared and uploaded to pastebin via the built-in program.
Screenshots :
- Uses LuaJIT, much faster than vanilla Lua, but has Lua 5.1 API.
- Has a virtual drives system, with size limitation, so a miscellaneous script won't fill your system drive.
- The games has a secure environment (_I hope_), so they won't be able to do miscellaneous things.
- Comes with integrated editors, start creating games out of the box:
- Code editor:
- Lua syntax highlighter.
- Highlights API functions.
- Has clipboard support.
- Sprite editor:
- 192x128 Sprite-sheet, sliced into 4 banks.
- Edits the sheet as 8x8, 16x16 or 32x32 sprites.
- Each 8x8 sprite has a 1 byte flags (each bit acts as a flag).
- Has clipboard support.
- Clipboard compatible with [TIC-80]( (another fantasy computer), and supports pasting sprites from [PICO-8]( (another fantasy console).
- Map editor:
- Has a compact design.
- Shows a grid with the room size (A room is the space for filling the whole LIKO-12 screen with tiles).
- SFX editor:
- Has 64 sfx slot available.
- Each sfx is made of 32 notes.
- The sfx playing speed is modifiable.
- Supports 6 waveforms (sine, square, pulse, sawtooth, triangle, noise).
CPU: LuaJIT (Lua 5.1)
GPU: 192x128 4-Bit Screen
Map: 144x128 Cell (255 Tiles)
HDD: 2x 50mb drives
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Touch, and Gamepads
LOVE: 11.1
Why did I develop this ?
Because I wanted to buy PICO-8 but that's not possible without creditcards (no internet shopping in syria)
So I made my own PICO-8 which is more fun than buying it
Fun Fact:
I programmed 50% of this project using my phone, till now I switch between the pc and the mobile .
Feedbacks welcome!