Looky - rendering your game.

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Looky - rendering your game.

Post by Plu »

I figured it was about time I put a version tag on this and put it out there, especially with Ludum Dare being tomorrow.

Looky is designed to help you break your game's views into easily reusable components and to help you to lay them out on the screen. It comes with a set of standard components (text, image, containers, etc), but more importantly, it comes with a system that allows you to easily build your own components by simply reusing a few existing components and it is set up to also allow you to build completely custom components fairly easily as well.

One of the core ideas was that games are often unique and have very different needs from traditional graphical applications, so Looky tries to not force you in any direction; it just tries to help you by allowing you a lot of control over your game layout while providing as many useful features as it can.

As a result, Looky does not come with any kind of default styles. It does come with an extensible component system and the option to register multiple versions of the same thing with style attached, so it's easy to build whatever style you like and use it wherever you want.

Looky, along with the quick-start guide, can be found on github: https://github.com/ErikRoelofs/looky

There is also a tutorial project, which shows you the basics of Looky, here: https://github.com/ErikRoelofs/looky-tutorial/

The tutorial builds a very simple screen where you can fly a ship around, with some simple indicator components. The entire project takes up a whopping 150 lines and includes 2 custom components. It'll show you all the cool features of Looky. It looks like this:


It can also look like this, of course. Looky will automatically try to fit your layout to whatever screen size you set.

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