For example multiple rectangles on screen, varying in sizes and positions.
I don't really know where to start.
I don't know if there's a way to draw more than one shape on screen rather than writing code for each one, is there an easier way to do this?
Multiple shapes on screen
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Re: Multiple shapes on screen
Either you write a code for every shape or create some table with properties of your shapes, traverse that and draw the elements.
So it's either
Note, that it's a good idea to declare things you'll need everywhere just once.
Also, to draw anything you should put those "*" calls inside love.draw.
While classes may come in handy, there's no actual need for those here.
Writing constructors may be too frustrating for newbies.
Especially when they need something as simple as drawing some shapes.
Anyway, it's up to TS to decide.
So it's either
Code: Select all,y,width,height)
Code: Select all
{type="rect", x=10, y=23, w=10,h=58,},
{type="line", x=140, y=53, w=70,h=35,},
{type="circle", x=1210, y=27, w=40,h=34,}
for k,v in ipairs(sometable) do[v.type](v.x,v.y,v.w,v.h)
Also, to draw anything you should put those "*" calls inside love.draw.
While classes may come in handy, there's no actual need for those here.
Writing constructors may be too frustrating for newbies.
Especially when they need something as simple as drawing some shapes.
Anyway, it's up to TS to decide.
Last edited by 4aiman on Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Multiple shapes on screen
What you want is a class that can create objects.
A class is a piece of code that can create a (theoretical) infinite amount of things that share a similar behavior.
A class is a piece of code that can create a (theoretical) infinite amount of things that share a similar behavior.
Code: Select all
local Box = {} -- This is our Class
Box.list = {} -- Our class has a 'list' variable to hold all the objects
function, y, w, h)
local box = {} -- Create a new object..
box.x = x or 0 -- ..And set its variables
box.y = y or 0
box.w = w or 0
box.h = h or 0
table.insert(Box.list, box) -- After creation we plop it into the Class' list.
return box -- And we return it so we can use it later on.
function love.draw()
for _, box in ipairs(Box.list) do -- We loop trough all the objects in the Class' list
local x, y = box.x, box.y -- We get the x, y..
local w, h = box.w, box.h -- ..Width and height."fill", x, y, w, h) -- Then draw the object accordingly.
end, 10, 50, 50) -- Spawns a box at [10, 10], with a width and height of 50px, 100, 20, 20) -- Spawns a box at [100, 100], with a width and height of 20px
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