I would like to tell you about starting of the development first full featured Unity-like editor for LÖVE.
I think making some things automatic with visual editors and tools will produce performance and reduce time of development
There are screenshot with what I done yet:
This is the first vision of entity editor, you can drag camera by mouse, toggle and resize grid and toggle ruler coodrinates
There are also two nested images with both coordinates (50;50) but second is nested in first
Main goals (will be updated):
- Project managment
- Entity editor
- Properties inspector
- One-click building
- Entity trees and transformations
- Lighweight Love2d-based Engine and Editor API
- ...
Update 3: Huge engine update
For now we are not working on editor but with engine.
For example, now you don't need to use 'self' in script, all functions are automaticly sandboxes:
Code: Select all
property("rotationAmount", 620) -- per sec
function load()
transform = entity:getComponent("Transform")
function update(dt)
transform.rotation = transform.rotation + rotationAmount * dt
Another update is first built-in comonents: Transform, Sprite, Shape.
Update 2: Script sandboxing
CloveX uses component system. Every script (even default like transformation) you can modify
Script reference is very simple:
Code: Select all
-- Globals are listed in inspector's window
someValue1 = 123
someValue2 = "Hey!"
-- Callbascks, that engine runs
function load(self)
function update(self, dt)
-- ...
For example, on start entities can have 50 50 position, instead of 0 0 that defined below.
part of 'entity' file (JSON):
Code: Select all
{"key": "position", "value": {"x": 50, "y": 50}},
{"key": "rotation", "value": 90},
{"key": "scale", "value": {"x": 50, "y": 50}}
I also thinked about implementing code editor and figured out that is not necessary - 90% of lovers are using another editors for Lua and this is good
Because of this i'll implement support for the most usable code editors and also leave place for integrating your own
As a default editor I chose Atom
I need your help to figure what features you prefer to see inside CloveX first
Leave your proposals here or in the Issues section of the repo
Great thanks to developers of Editor Framework for Electron
Leave your opinion about project
Repo: Bitbucket