Need help with resources

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Need help with resources

Post by Bruja »

As you can see by my post-count I'm new here, quick question:

Where is the best place to go for royality free music and/or sfx?
Any good sites for free textures?

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Re: Need help with resources

Post by Pangit »

Best is to make it yourself, nobody knows what you want better than you. But assuming you don't have the time or the budget to create your own stuff...

For music I would say visit Eric Matyas -

He works very hard.

Another place to check out is Kevin MacLeod -
You will notice a lot of the indie titles on steam seem to use him a lot for trailers ect.. Once you visit the site and listen to his catalogue your start noticing it everywhere.

For artwork. Well you could plunder public domain sources like Or perhaps but be warned the available assets span the range of quality from useless to good. Check the licences so they will be compatible with your project as some are under different agreements than others.

Going with your own game art might not be so expensive and you could get assets that are tailored for your project/vision. That is the upside to generating the content yourself either through subcontract or doing your own art. Also you are sure that nobody else is going to be using the assets you have. Unlike opengame art where every man and his brother would have used the decent assets in a ton of shovel ware that users will have seen in 101 different projects.

I would encourage you to get a copy of inkscape, gimp, a few pixel editors and get cracking. For the music/sound side of life milkytracker is a great. Especially if you are used to amiga/commodore tracker type software - pair that with audacity and you can make any music you need.
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Re: Need help with resources

Post by Bruja »


After posting my initial question I found this link:
Pretty handy too, not sure if everything on it is royalty/license free.
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Re: Need help with resources

Post by zorg »

Not everything, for instance, the stuff on the modarchive, which is also linked, can range from gratis&libre to them being once used in old games that are now pretty much vaporware... or some old dude with a stick will yell at you for not giving him textual credit in your credits screen... :3
Me and my stuff :3True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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Re: Need help with resources

Post by Pangit »

Trying to track down mod authors sometimes decades after they have left the scene is an adventure in itself. A lot of the really good composers were based in eastern Europe so you have a language barrier also to face and many people moved on with life. But modarchive has a forum to make contact and try and get permission from creators. It is worth a shot. To be honest the status of many of the mods is kind of in limbo because there is no way to contact the original authors. But there is enough material out there with clear licensing that you could produce many games without needing to go into that grey area.

Following Zorg's advice, I figure if you give credit to a mod author it should be fine most of the time. But you got to remember some of the creators were real diva's that scene was very elitist back in the day. Not sure how some of them would take having there work used even in something cool 20 years later. Lol no doubt some would still be salty. But I figure most would just be amazed that someone found a use for there forgotten project years later.

Better to try your best ot obtain permission first though. Then you are golden. But for a non-monitized project I really don't see people having much of a problem with mods. If you were making money off the project then its a little different. It pretty much flat out says that in Modarchive also.
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Re: Need help with resources

Post by Bruja »

Thank you both for the great advice.

I will go out on a hunt to find some of the original authors when its needed.
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