"Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Le_juiceBOX »

Help, "Undrawing"
how do i use a table to draw and undraw enemies ect?
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by pgimeno »

You already asked it and got the correct answer:
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Chroteus »

I want to develop a 2D terrain generator for a 2D planet generator, but I'm not sure where to start. I saw some algorithms being mentioned, but I'm not sure which one will be more suitable.

EDIT: Extensive Googling yielded exactly what I needed. Here's the link if anyone's interested:http://www.redblobgames.com/maps/terrain-from-noise/
Last edited by Chroteus on Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Substance12 »

Is it possible to make ImageFont glyphs overlap a little? I have a font with black borders whose borders are supposed to overlap one pixel between characters
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Chroteus »

Substance12 wrote:Is it possible to make ImageFont glyphs overlap a little? I have a font with black borders whose borders are supposed to overlap one pixel between characters
Use extraspacing argument added in 0.10.0:

Code: Select all

number extraspacing
    Additional spacing (positive or negative) to apply to each glyph in the Font.

So, use negative spacing to make the overlap.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Substance12 »

Chroteus wrote:
Use extraspacing argument added in 0.10.0:

Code: Select all

number extraspacing
    Additional spacing (positive or negative) to apply to each glyph in the Font.

So, use negative spacing to make the overlap.
Ah, awesome, I didn't notice that, thanks! :awesome:
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Le_juiceBOX »

pgimeno wrote:You already asked it and got the correct answer:

Yes i understand but that didn't give me what i wanted, i wanted an example like how to do this in a table, what he/she said was the technical side of things(which i understand) thanks

thank you for answering

P.S. sorry if this sounded rude I do not mean for it to sound like that.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Skeletonxf »

I'm trying to install LuaRocks after previously trying to install it and getting errors on every single rock I tried to install through it. I redownloaded the 2.3.0 windows version (I'm on windows 7) and after reading the installation wiki page again I'm still really confused. The page doesn't say a thing about how I'm meant to actually install LuaRocks (https://github.com/keplerproject/luaroc ... or-Windows). I tried double clicking the install.bat file and it immediately opened up a command prompt window and then closed again. After about 5 tries I managed to read a line about admin perms so I then tried running the install.bat file with admin perms. This too opened up a command prompt window that immediately closed and closed so fast I couldn't even read it. I then recorded my screen and tried again just so I could get the message and it said:

rem=rem --[[
The system cannot find the path specified.

I just want to install LuaRocks normally and don't want to modify any of the deafult installation behaviours? What am I meant to do?
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by Guard13007 »

Skeletonxf wrote:I tried double clicking the install.bat file and it immediately opened up a command prompt window and then closed again.
First, open command prompt and then run the batch file from command line. That way it stays open between things.

Second, Google every error message you get and READ READ READ. It's unnecessarily complicated.

Alternately, do it on Linux, much much easier.

Also, a quick note, you need to have a regular Lua install somewhere for the header files. On Linux, you need to install a dev package for the headers. It's much simpler on Linux if you know it, but I realize it's a bit harder to get used to Linux if you've never used it. Trust me it's worth it though. o.o Everything except video editing and gaming works better on Linux, and even gaming is slowly getting there.
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Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread

Post by s-ol »

Skeletonxf wrote:I'm trying to install LuaRocks after previously trying to install it and getting errors on every single rock I tried to install through it. I redownloaded the 2.3.0 windows version (I'm on windows 7) and after reading the installation wiki page again I'm still really confused. The page doesn't say a thing about how I'm meant to actually install LuaRocks (https://github.com/keplerproject/luaroc ... or-Windows). I tried double clicking the install.bat file and it immediately opened up a command prompt window and then closed again. After about 5 tries I managed to read a line about admin perms so I then tried running the install.bat file with admin perms. This too opened up a command prompt window that immediately closed and closed so fast I couldn't even read it. I then recorded my screen and tried again just so I could get the message and it said:

rem=rem --[[
The system cannot find the path specified.

I just want to install LuaRocks normally and don't want to modify any of the deafult installation behaviours? What am I meant to do?
I didn't get to try it yet but this looks promising: https://chocolatey.org/

Alternatively, this is the only thing that ever worked for me on windows: http://www.thijsschreijer.nl/blog/?p=772

s-ol.nu /blog  -  p.s-ol.be /st8.lua  -  g.s-ol.be /gtglg /curcur

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if false then

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