Is it possible to get consistent 60fps on iOS?

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Is it possible to get consistent 60fps on iOS?

Post by emu »

Hey people! I've been playing around with LÖVE the past couple days and I'm really liking it! So I'm new here. Nice place you've got! :awesome:

I'm planning to build an iOS game. A high priority for me is having smooth, 60fps animation. It runs perfectly smooth on my Mac. I've got a really simple prototype game going on, so I figured it'd be a good time to see how it runs on iOS. I'm not part of the paid iOS Developer Program, so I'm only using the iOS simulator.

In the simulator, it looks pretty clunky. love.timer.getFPS() reports that it's running at 50-60fps, but it looks like 20-30fps to my eyes.

I thought this might have to do with physics in my game, so I tried this really simple test case:

Code: Select all

-- this draws a little ball that moves
-- up and down smoothly

function love.load ()
  love.window.setMode( 375, 667) -- iPhone 6S size

function love.update ()

function love.draw ()"Current FPS: "..tostring(love.timer.getFPS( )), 10, 10)
  local w, h =
  local y = h/2 + math.sin(t) * h/2"fill", w/2, y, 10)
Again, it reports that it's running at ~60fps, but it looks like about 30fps.

If I were running this on a physical iPhone, would it look as smooth as the fps that's being reported? Or is the iOS simulator pretty accurate with rendering performance? I'd like to get to the bottom of this before plopping down a big chunk of change to join the iOS Developer Program.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Is it possible to get consistent 60fps on iOS?

Post by undef »

I believe that these days you don't need to join the iOS Developer Program to test on your iOS device.

Yup: link
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Re: Is it possible to get consistent 60fps on iOS?

Post by emu »

undef wrote:I believe that these days you don't need to join the iOS Developer Program to test on your iOS device.

Yup: link
Oh, that's great! I'll try it out and report back with results.

EDIT: Aaaaand it works beautifully on my phone. So much smoother than the simulator. Thanks so much for the info, undef!
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Re: Is it possible to get consistent 60fps on iOS?

Post by undef »

You're welcome!
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