Nice! I love the "copy graph to clipboard" feature
I couldn't make a node point to itself. That's a kind of important issue. I realize the difficulty in that, though.
Undoing 'a' or 'k' undoes line by line rather than as a block. It's not very annoying, it just makes sense that an operation that is done with a single keypress is undone with another single keypress.
For usability, keeping track of the last help page viewed and returning to it when help is invoked again would be nice.
When I painted an arrow from A to B and then from B to A, I couldn't change the colour of the second.
It would be nice if when two nodes point to each other, they were represented with parallel lines, rather than with a single line with two arrow heads. Like this: ... ph.svg.png
But overall, it's very cool and I may be using it for representing graphs.