function love.draw(dt)
love.graphics.draw(Rectongolusbackground.Img, Rectongolusbackground.x, Rectongolusbackground.y)
love.graphics.print("press 'enter' to start", 640, 360)
function love.load(arg)
Rectongolusbackground.Img = love.graphics.newImage('Assets/Rectbackground.png')
rng = love.math.newRandomGenerator()
randomNumber = rng:random(1,100)
font = love.graphics.NewFont('Assets/Pixelade.tff', 55)
NewFont isn't capitalized. Proper capitalization is important. It's newFont. All the functions Löve uses are camelCased with the first letter being lowercase. It's one of a few different naming conventions coders use. Like function_name vs. functionName vs. functionname. I prefer camelCase myself. And it just looks weird to capitalize the first character of a function name or variable. But everyone does it different. Since you have a habit of Capitalizing names I can see how you'd make that mistake.
Jasoco wrote:NewFont isn't capitalized. Proper capitalization is important. It's newFont. All the functions Löve uses are camelCased with the first letter being lowercase. It's one of a few different naming conventions coders use. Like function_name vs. functionName vs. functionname. I prefer camelCase myself. And it just looks weird to capitalize the first character of a function name or variable. But everyone does it different. Since you have a habit of Capitalizing names I can see how you'd make that mistake.
Thanks for the help I appreciate it.
Unfortunately I am having a new problem, it's saying it can't find the font, I've included pictures of the error, the way I have the files set up for the game, and a picture of the assets folder itself. Code is the same as in the main post, just with it capitalized like 'newFont'.
Assets folder
Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 11.29.56 PM.png (25.68 KiB) Viewed 4212 times
File Set up
Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 11.29.43 PM.png (23.05 KiB) Viewed 4212 times
Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 11.29.30 PM.png (35.72 KiB) Viewed 4212 times