Hi i'm using goature's states tutorial to base a states system for my game and it works as in i can go from the menu into the game. But when i try to loadState back into the menu i just get a blank screen.
What im wondering is if someone could explain his states main.lua file in his video so that I can try and pinpoint why its not drawing any of the screen.
- wasd to move
-mouse and left click to aim and shoot
- esc to go back to menu (just for testing)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_OrFXyorwI -- video in question.
States for menus and such
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Re: States for menus and such
Could anyone help please? Im using his states file to go into my game, then when i try to go back to the menu its just a black screen and I dont know how to fix it. Could anyone help?
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- Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:46 pm
Re: States for menus and such
I did not look at your code but make sure that you load the States when switching. You may destroy a state when leaving it so when you return it's empty you get just a blank screen. So make sure you reload the state so that you would return to something.
Re: States for menus and such
The reason is that when you call require multiple times it only runs the file once (the first time) and just uses the cached result after that.
As a result all your function love.update(dt), love.draw() declarations etc are only done the first time, and when you try to loadState() back into the menu you clear the callbacks but require()-ing menu again doesn't actually do anything.
I propose two solutions:
1.) a cheap way of making it work with minimal changes:
wrap every complete state file in a single function and return it from the module. For example:
and then slightly change loadState():
Also instead of making a global load() which is pretty ugly you can use the function the module returns to do that.
however I would advise you start using a "table based" state concept, because it is more flexible, easier to debug and doesn't rely on all the globals which can easily sneak in hard to find bugs:
- make each gamestate module return a table
- the table contains all the callbacks like .update, .draw etc.
- to load a state just require that module and assign the table to a global variable (current_state)
- love.update, love.draw etc call current_state.update, current_state.draw etc.
- add a .load to the table that resets the state every time instead of relying on the default values so the game restarts when you switch back to it from the menu a second time
for example:
and the file states/menu/init.lua:
Note that everything is local, there is no reason to make "Menu" or "buttons" global.
also a few other unrelated notes:
- with require() do not use slashes, use dots (states.Menu.main)
- if you name your states/Menu/main.lua as init.lua instead, you can require("states/Menu") (like in my code example above); if the given module is a directory it will automatically try /init.lua and you can still have each as it's own folder.
As a result all your function love.update(dt), love.draw() declarations etc are only done the first time, and when you try to loadState() back into the menu you clear the callbacks but require()-ing menu again doesn't actually do anything.
I propose two solutions:
1.) a cheap way of making it work with minimal changes:
wrap every complete state file in a single function and return it from the module. For example:
Code: Select all
return function ()
function load()
require "scripts"
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(60, 60, 60, 255 )
play = love.graphics.newImage("assets/play.png")
function love.mousepressed( x, y, button )
if button == 1 then
for k, v in pairs(buttons) do
local ins = insideBox( x, y, v.x - (v.w/2), v.y - (v.h/2), v.w, v.h )
if ins then
if v.action == "play" then
elseif v.action == "exit" then
Code: Select all
state = {}
function loadState(name)
states = {}
local path = "states/" .. name
however I would advise you start using a "table based" state concept, because it is more flexible, easier to debug and doesn't rely on all the globals which can easily sneak in hard to find bugs:
- make each gamestate module return a table
- the table contains all the callbacks like .update, .draw etc.
- to load a state just require that module and assign the table to a global variable (current_state)
- love.update, love.draw etc call current_state.update, current_state.draw etc.
- add a .load to the table that resets the state every time instead of relying on the default values so the game restarts when you switch back to it from the menu a second time
for example:
Code: Select all
state = {}
function loadState(name)
local module = "states." .. name
state = require(module)
function love.draw(...)
if state.draw then state.draw(...) end
function love.update(...)
if state.update then state.update(...) end -- only call if it exists
function love.keypressed(...)
if state.keypressed then state.keypressed(...) end -- only call if it exists
-- etc.
Code: Select all
local Menu = {}
local buttons
function Menu.load()
buttons = ... -- reset buttons
function Menu.draw()
-- draw buttons etc.
return Menu
also a few other unrelated notes:
- with require() do not use slashes, use dots (states.Menu.main)
- if you name your states/Menu/main.lua as init.lua instead, you can require("states/Menu") (like in my code example above); if the given module is a directory it will automatically try /init.lua and you can still have each as it's own folder.
Re: States for menus and such
Thank you A LOT! Im still quite new to lua and love (and i guess programming in general) so thank you for your help and explaining whats going on. I will try to implement a better states system when I have the time.
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