Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

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Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

So you may remember I made a post here a while ago about a level generator I made for a roguelike. Well, I've been working on that roguelike. Inconsistently, but still. It takes a lot of inspiration from Nuclear Throne.
I can't figure out how to embed

  • WASD to move.
  • Click to fire.
  • F to toggle fullscreen.
  • T to toggle debug mode (simplifies graphics a bit, displays extra info, allows life after death)
  • Scrollwheel to switch weapons.
  • R to generate a new level.
  • Screenshake! Shooting will "shake" the camera around a bit.
  • Freezeframes! Killing an enemy will "freeze" the game for a bit. (trust me, it's not lag)
  • Particles! Killing an enemy will spawn some blue square things.
  • Easily modifiable! Easy to add new bullets and stuff.
GUI explanation:
On the cursor, there are two bars; one (green one, on bottom) is your health. Top blue one is reload of current weapon.
On the left of the screen, there are your weapons. The green bar on each is the ammo of each one.

New Stuff:
  • New Enemy: "Guard" is a big tank guy and will shoot every once in a while.
  • New Weapon: "Baazooka" will shoot a high-damage sheep.
  • Pressing 'enter'/'return' will start a new run (basically the same as pressing 'r' but also resets ammo and health)
  • Easter egg in the code! Try to find it!
  • Spawn Protection: Enemies can no longer spawn within 5 squares of the player. Also, player has a few moments of invincibility (the white circle)
  • Beginnings of a shop! This is where the player will buy weapons and ammo and health and other goodies. So far it's just a weird yellow thing that spawns in the world now. Not much, but it's a start.
  • New red particle effect, spawns when an enemy is hit.
  • When an enemy is killed, there are now some small green bullets mixed in with the particles. These will do a slight amount of damage.
  • New log (the text on right of screen) entries for no ammo and killing enemies.
  • Fixed bug where player could lose some health or ammo when exiting a portal.
  • Removed unused/unneeded audio files.
New Stuff:
  • New Enemy: "Turret" is a stationary shooty-thing.
  • Some weapons are now semi-automatic, so you can't just hold mouse1 to shoot.
  • Sheep from the Baazooka now explode in a 3x3 square, destroying terrain.
  • New bullet type: Charge. Slow and heavy-hitting.
  • New weapon: Charged Cannon.
  • New weapon: Charged Burst.
  • Increased fire rate for Pulser Pistol and Pulser Rifle.
  • Increased speed of Pulse bullets.
  • Lowered screenshake and freezeframes.
k, try it if you want
Last edited by FRII on Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by Hydrogen Maniac »

This shows a lot of potential.

The screenshake, freezeframes and the particles help the game feel alot more impactful, the only thing that's missing in the shooting department would be some juicy soundeffects and maybe some visual feedback from the enemies when they get shot(like briefly turning red or getting slightly pushed back). The enemy AI is a bit too unpredictable at times and maybe a restart key and some spawn protection would be nice.
The high amount of screenshake when using the minigun gave me abit of a headache after a while but it helped the minigun stand out from the death ray and the pulser rifle.

All in all I think this game is quite fun and I'm looking forward to seeing were this is heading.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

Hydrogen Maniac wrote:This shows a lot of potential.

The screenshake, freezeframes and the particles help the game feel alot more impactful, the only thing that's missing in the shooting department would be some juicy soundeffects and maybe some visual feedback from the enemies when they get shot(like briefly turning red or getting slightly pushed back). The enemy AI is a bit too unpredictable at times and maybe a restart key and some spawn protection would be nice.
The high amount of screenshake when using the minigun gave me abit of a headache after a while but it helped the minigun stand out from the death ray and the pulser rifle.

All in all I think this game is quite fun and I'm looking forward to seeing were this is heading.
Thanks for the kind words!

I'm gonna work on sound effects later; I'm taking a cue (queue? idk which one to use) from the devs of TerraTech and putting in gameplay first. But I did accidentally leave a music track in the download that I'm considering using for background music, so there's some sound for ya.

A lot of what you mentioned is already in the version I'm working on now, which should come out either later today or tomorrow; there's a red particle effect for when enemies get hit, a restart key, and some spawn protection. I suck with all forms of AI so I made a very basic but expandable one, which I'll prolly change at some point.

I'm having a lot of fun making this, and if people are having fun playing this then it's definitely enough motivation to keep going.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by MadByte »

Keep on it.

Maybe it would be better to convert your .wav files to .ogg to reduce the size (80-90% smaller files!). Also you could manage your images as quads and load them from a spritesheet, this also will reduce the project size a lot.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

MadByte wrote:Keep on it.

Maybe it would be better to convert your .wav files to .ogg to reduce the size (80-90% smaller files!). Also you could manage your images as quads and load them from a spritesheet, this also will reduce the project size a lot.
I'm going to completely remove them until I actually implement them, so at that time I'll make them .oggs.

I'm also not too experienced with quads or spritesheets, as I've only been löving for a couple of months, so maybe after trying them out in a separate project I could convert my images over to them.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

Just uploaded v0.2. Will make video of new version soon.

EDIT: Video's up, link in OP.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by T-Bone »

I haven't played it yet, but I watched the video, and this comment made me think of something:
•Freezeframes! Killing an enemy will "freeze" the game for a bit. (trust me, it's not lag)
If you want to avoid confusion with lag, you can make some kind of visual effect happen while the game is frozen, like the camera slowly zooming in, and then quickly out again. With a slightly expanded freezeframe period, this could be very impactful (bit perhaps too much to have it every time you kill an enemy).

Also, I'd ease up on the screen shakes a bit. It makes me dizzy. Maybe only have it when executing some more powerful moves? Just an idea.
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

T-Bone wrote:I haven't played it yet, but I watched the video, and this comment made me think of something:
•Freezeframes! Killing an enemy will "freeze" the game for a bit. (trust me, it's not lag)
If you want to avoid confusion with lag, you can make some kind of visual effect happen while the game is frozen, like the camera slowly zooming in, and then quickly out again. With a slightly expanded freezeframe period, this could be very impactful (bit perhaps too much to have it every time you kill an enemy).

Also, I'd ease up on the screen shakes a bit. It makes me dizzy. Maybe only have it when executing some more powerful moves? Just an idea.
I might try something like that. That comment about it not being lag is a little joke; when I first started playing Nuclear Throne (the main inspiration for this game) I confused freeze frames with lag until the friend who bought it for me told me otherwise. I'll lessen up on FF and SS in the next update if i can remember to change them later (I'm on mobile right now).
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Re: Some sort of roguelike-ish thing or something

Post by FRII »

Uploaded v0.3.

Y'all tell me if you don't want me to bump every time I update this thing.
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