LöveFTW - preview release

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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by slime »

Nice! Just a heads up, the too-dark colors on the sprites is a bug in LÖVE that manifests when gamma correction is requested but not supported on OpenGL ES backends – I plan to fix it ASAP.

EDIT: It should be fixed in the latest LÖVE source code on Bitbucket.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by T-Bone »

slime wrote:Nice! Just a heads up, the too-dark colors on the sprites is a bug in LÖVE that manifests when gamma correction is requested but not supported on OpenGL ES backends – I plan to fix it ASAP.

EDIT: It should be fixed in the latest LÖVE source code on Bitbucket.
Nice! LöveFTW is currently using the 0.10.1 tag, but I'll merge in the latest from the default branch, then.

Just wondering, would you guys be interested in merging my changes into Löve's source code? There are very few changes, and it would be convenient to be able to use Löve's source code unchanged.

If you want to check out my changes, they're available at https://github.com/ahrnbom/love-uwp

If you're going to merge my changes, wait a few days until I've verified that everything works, I still probably have a few things to fix.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by bartbes »

T-Bone wrote: Just wondering, would you guys be interested in merging my changes into Löve's source code? There are very few changes, and it would be convenient to be able to use Löve's source code unchanged.
Yeah definitely. Can you send us a pull request?
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by T-Bone »

bartbes wrote:
T-Bone wrote: Just wondering, would you guys be interested in merging my changes into Löve's source code? There are very few changes, and it would be convenient to be able to use Löve's source code unchanged.
Yeah definitely. Can you send us a pull request?
I'm using git on github, so I'm not quite sure how to do that (I'm not too familiar with hg, although it seems quite similar to git), but I'll probably be able to figure it out (or ask for help). I'll wait until LöveFTW 1.0 is finished, so that I know exactly what changes I need.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by undef »

Seems like Microsoft is opening up their Xbox now for uwp apps.
But they may only use 1GB of RAM - seems like a perfect fit for LÖVE ;)
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by HeadClot »

undef wrote:Seems like Microsoft is opening up their Xbox now for uwp apps.
But they may only use 1GB of RAM - seems like a perfect fit for LÖVE ;)
The 1GB will probably be phased out over time to give developers better development support for more complex games. :)

Anyway - Glad to see Microsoft opening up.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by anastasiaorosegirl »

Just wanted to say that I am really looking forward to this being integrated into LÖVE for some reason, even though I don't even own a Windows Phone. I have no idea why, but it excites me. Maybe because LÖVE on a Windows Phone is just something cool? Maybe it's because I just like the more obscure smartphones getting some attention? Maybe, just maybe, it's because of "DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS". Either way, totally stoked and hope this gets integrated into LÖVE proper.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by T-Bone »

About UWP apps on Xbox One, you'd still need an ID@Xbox account and sign an NDA if you want to release games (non-game apps don't need that). So it's still not trivial to get your game out there... But it should be technically possible.

LöveFTW for W10 UWP is nearly finished, but needs some final tweaks.

One more thing: It should also be possible to get Löve on the UWP via project Centennial. It seems quite well suited for games, as far as I understand. This is not a route that I will explore, but I encourage anybody interested to see if they can get that to work. Hard to say at this point if that solution would be better or worse than what I'm doing now.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by T-Bone »

LöveFTW for Windows 10 is working pretty well now! If there's anybody here with a W10M device, please help me test it!

You can get it at https://github.com/ahrnbom/l-veftw, or with the following git commands

Code: Select all

git clone https://github.com/ahrnbom/l-veftw.git
cd l-veftw
git submodule update --init
Then open LöveFTW\LöveFTW.sln with Visual Studio 2015, and run it on whatever Windows 10 device you have!

There's support for opening .love files with it, although it doesn't always seem to work; you often have to try to open it, get the no-game screen, close it, and then open it with the same .love file again to get it to work.

You can also include your own .love file inside the project. If you do, that game will open instead of the no-game screen when you open the app "normally" (as in not double clicking a .love file). To do that, add any .love file to the LöveFTW project in Visual Studio and set it's "Content" property to "True". The .love file needs to be named "game.love", or you'll have to change the line in SDL_winrtapp_direct3d.h

Code: Select all

char* loveFileName = "game.love";
to whatever you want, like

Code: Select all

char* loveFileName = "my_awesome_game.love";
There are some gotchas. Most notably, LöveFTW doesn't play .mp3 or .mod files, only .ogg.

Please let me know if you run into issues!
Last edited by T-Bone on Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LöveFTW - preview release

Post by slime »

T-Bone wrote:There are some gotchas. Most notably, LöveFTW doesn't play .mp3 or .wav files, only .ogg.
Is there a technical reason why Wuff (the WAVE decoder) doesn't work, or do you have plans to make it work in the future?
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