ivan wrote:Not really enough substance to keep my attention for over 1-2 minutes.
Since the subject of the game is immature - you really need to bring the goods in other areas.
I mean there is SO MUCH you could have done
I realize now that I didn't really mention that this is a pretty early demo, but you're absolutely right! There is a lot more I can do to keep people interested. I wasn't planning on anyone really playing this for more than 5 minutes max but I should add more features, vary up the gameplay etc. I doubt I'll go too procedural beyond the 3 part system I have now (butts, torsos, heads), but there's a lot of different things I can do here.
ivan wrote:
- actual storyline instead of one-liner comments
- Box2-donkadonk physics instead of the same animation
- unique art direction (I would have done it more stylized with physics)
- procedural butts to spank like in Fingered
- powerups and bonuses
- skills and attributes so there is actual progression
- gyroscope/accelerometer input
The game needs A LOT of work and a much more sophisticated direction.
Yes, it's fine if you want to make a game about spanking,
but IMO the gameplay must stand on its own
even if you take away the graphics and context.
As it is right now - not enough in the gameplay department to hold my attention.
I actually have a kind of "shop" module in the game that I have hidden at the moment so progression shouldn't be so hard to implement. I'm thinking I'll add some kind of hp per person, a timer so you actually have to beat people in a certain amount of time, attributes with different kinds of paddles and stuff you can buy, bosses, etc. I have a few ideas on how to integrate gyroscope input and different kinds of inputs so it's not quite so boring. I'm not going to add physics but I am experimenting with distortion shaders to get the same kind of effect.