Hello there, Lövers!
I just got some break from school and decided to get back to coding a bit.
For the occasion, I decided to make a little YouTube video about me making a Pong remake.
I ended up making this. Yes, it's psychedelic, as always. But I just couldn't help myself
And this is the video:
It's somewhere between tutorial and Let's Play, I guess.
I hope you enjoy this video, and please feel free to leave any suggestions for the (next?) episodes
PING - A juicy pong remake (Let's Dev #1)
Re: PING - A juicy pong remake (Let's Dev #1)
it;s a nice & funny video!
good work
good work
Our LÖVE Gamedev blog Zabuyaki (an open source retro beat 'em up game). Twitter: @Zabuyaki.
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