S0lll0s wrote:
ah, never crossed my mind to update the source. I'll do that soon... should be a few minor things.
Looking forward!
bzSteve wrote:You might get some good ideas from kbmonkey's awesome pinball project:
thanks, I'll look the code, hope I can understand it.
Connorses wrote:I'm currently working on a physics object editor, because I had a hard time finding what I needed and I want something tailor-made for my own project. I know it's a serious time-sink but it's the only option that appeals to me at the moment. I'm actually looking into ways I can export and import the data, but it will probably be either JSON or a custom line-by-line format.
hey, really like to see it! I understand about the options, I got the same conclusion as you only that I don't have the skills for attempting to do it by myself. Right now the code exported by the physics editor that bobbyjones recommended creates really small shapes, like this: polygons":[[{"x":0.6572732925415039,"y":0.8567421436309814},{"x":0.5287498831748962,"y":0.8550001382827759},{"x":0.5837500095367432,"y":0.8174999356269836}
is giving me some trouble, but this is a problem of the editor, not of love2d.
two other free alternatives I just found but haven't use them yet
and an alpha version of R.U.B.E.
in this version it seems that the author obfuscate the code