Hi guys, can anyone recommend any sites where I could get my code reviewed? My code works as expected but as I taught myself to code rather than through a Comp Sci course, I feel that my code is awfully written and that I'd benefit from someone having a look over my code and telling me how I could do things better.
Thanks in advance.
Code review?
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Re: Code review?
If you post a short script or .love file on here I'll take a look.
Note that there are different types of Lua code based on the programmer's motivation.
-optimized code is usually ugly and long
-short code is easy to maintain but hard to understand
-descriptive code (like the one you see in tutorials) is easy to read and understand but not optimal
In my opinion it's a balance between these three factors.
Note that there are different types of Lua code based on the programmer's motivation.
-optimized code is usually ugly and long
-short code is easy to maintain but hard to understand
-descriptive code (like the one you see in tutorials) is easy to read and understand but not optimal
In my opinion it's a balance between these three factors.
- Prole
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:55 pm
Re: Code review?
Hi there, thanks for your reply. I can see that there are distinctions in the way you right code (better design vs speed of development etc.), but personally I don't think I know enough for that to come into it yet.
The code in question is a Tile Map editor for a tutorial on tiles that I followed. Here's the code:
The code isn't finished yet, but the basic concept is working, and rather than building on what is, in my opinion, shoddy code, I'd like to get some feedback on the code I already have.
The code in question is a Tile Map editor for a tutorial on tiles that I followed. Here's the code:
Code: Select all
--18 up, 25 across
function CreateQuads(quadArray, tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
local index, xPos, yPos = 1, 0, 0
for _ = 1, rows do
for __ = 1, cols do
quadArray[tileKey[index]] = love.graphics.newQuad(xPos, yPos, tileSize, tileSize, tileset:getWidth(), tileset:getHeight())
xPos = xPos + tileSize
index = index + 1
xPos = 0
yPos = yPos + tileSize
function AddTile(tilemap, mouseX, mouseY, tilekey)
local yTile, xTile = math.floor(mouseY / 32) + 1, math.floor(mouseX / 32) + 1
tilemap[yTile][xTile] = tilekey
function RemoveTile(tilemap, mouseX, mouseY)
local yTile, xTile = math.floor(mouseY / 32) + 1, math.floor(mouseX / 32) + 1
tilemap[yTile][xTile] = nil
function SaveMap(path, tilemap)
local map = io.open("C:\\Users\\Robert\\Desktop\\map.txt", "w")
for i = 1, 18 do
for j = 1, 25 do
if tilemap[i][j] ~= nil then
if i < 18 then
saved = true
function love.load(args)
--Zerobrane debugging
if arg[#arg] == "-debug" then
-- Is the map saved? On opening map will not have been saved
saved = false
-- Hide the mouse cursor
-- Loads the tileset
tileset = love.graphics.newImage('countryside.png')
x, y, tileSize = nil, nil, 32
-- Index of the current tile to be drawn, corresponds with tile key
currentTile = 1
-- Table to hold string representation of tiles
TileMap = {}
rows, cols = 2, 2
-- Table with tile keys to allow incrementing of tiles
tileKey = {' ', '#', '*', '^'}
-- Table of tile quads
TileQuads = {}
CreateQuads(TileQuads, tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
-- Iterate through array, create another table for each y, for a 2D array
for i = 1,18 do
TileMap[i] = {}
function love.update(dt)
-- Ensures the edges of the tiles never pass the edge of the screen
if love.mouse.getX() <= 0 then
xPos = 0
elseif love.mouse.getX() >= love.graphics.getWidth() - tileSize then
xPos = love.graphics.getWidth() - 32
elseif love.mouse.getY() <= 0 then
yPos = 0
elseif love.mouse.getY() >= love.graphics.getHeight() - tileSize then
yPos = love.graphics.getHeight() - tileSize
xPos, yPos = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY()
-- Checks to see if the tilemap is saved, changing the title if not saved
if not saved then
love.window.setTitle("Tile Map Editor - *")
love.window.setTitle("Tile Map Editor")
function love.keypressed(key, isrepeat)
-- Change tiles, wraps around if end is reached.
if key == "right" then
if currentTile < rows * cols then
currentTile = currentTile + 1
currentTile = 1
elseif key == "left" then
if currentTile > 1 then
currentTile = currentTile - 1
currentTile = rows * cols
elseif key == "s" then
SaveMap("C:\\Users\\Robert\\Desktop\\map.txt", TileMap)
elseif key == 'escape' then
function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
saved = false
if button == 1 then -- the primary button
AddTile(TileMap, x, y, tileKey[currentTile])
elseif button == 2 then
RemoveTile(TileMap, x, y)
function love.draw()
-- Draws tile map, black if nil
for yAxis = 1, 18 do
for xAxis = 1, 25 do
if TileMap[yAxis][xAxis] ~= nil then
local index = TileMap[yAxis][xAxis]
love.graphics.draw(tileset, TileQuads[index], (xAxis - 1) * 32, (yAxis - 1) * 32)
love.graphics.draw(tileset, TileQuads[tileKey[currentTile]], xPos, yPos)
Re: Code review?
Hi there. The code is ok, it's a good starting point.
First I have to point out that "quads" are rectangles on your spritesheet image.
Much easier to index these by "name" or "id" rather than keep them in an 2d array!
Something like:
That's how I would handle quads, much easier to reuse these.
Next you have the map "array".
Don't write functions like "AddTile(tilemap, mouseX, mouseY, tilekey)"
This is your map code, and your map code shouldn't know about the mouse.
A more appropriate function would be "AddTile(tilemap, tileX, tileY, quadID)"
I realize that my points seem like nitpicking but in general these are the 2 primary things
that I would be concerned about:
1. understanding how love2d objects work
2. keeping the code domain specific (map, input, game logic, rendering code)
3. keeping your functions as narrow in scope as possible so you can reuse them later
Yea, it's a good start so keep at it!
First I have to point out that "quads" are rectangles on your spritesheet image.
Much easier to index these by "name" or "id" rather than keep them in an 2d array!
Something like:
Code: Select all
function defineQuad(image, col, row, ncols, nrows)
local w, h = image:getWidth(), image:getHeight()
local tw, th = w/ncols, h/nrows
local x, y = tw*col, th*row
return love.graphics.newQuad(x, y, tw, th, w, h)
-- let's keep our quads indexed by name:
quads = {}
-- the first sprite on the spritesheet (0,0) is grass:
quads['grasstile'] = defineQuad(image, 0, 0, 10, 10)
Next you have the map "array".
Don't write functions like "AddTile(tilemap, mouseX, mouseY, tilekey)"
This is your map code, and your map code shouldn't know about the mouse.
A more appropriate function would be "AddTile(tilemap, tileX, tileY, quadID)"
I realize that my points seem like nitpicking but in general these are the 2 primary things
that I would be concerned about:
1. understanding how love2d objects work
2. keeping the code domain specific (map, input, game logic, rendering code)
3. keeping your functions as narrow in scope as possible so you can reuse them later
Yea, it's a good start so keep at it!
Re: Code review?
Your intuition didn't decieve you, your code is pretty bad - it's a good thing you asked.robertjawoods wrote: The code isn't finished yet, but the basic concept is working, and rather than building on what is, in my opinion, shoddy code, I'd like to get some feedback on the code I already have.
Usually, when you think there is a better way to code something, there is at least one better way, but sometimes it can take hours to find it.
It's a great shortcut to show other people your code, so you can improve a lot quicker, which will make things a lot easier for you (and potentially others) that have to work with your code.
Most of the stuff I learned myself was through showing other people my bad code quickly, so I wouldn't get bad habits.
So first things first, unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of time, so I won't be reviewing the entire code, but it seems like there are some very basic and useful techniques that you don't know yet that will help you a lot in the future.
So let's get started:
Code: Select all
--18 up, 25 across
function CreateQuads(quadArray, tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
local index, xPos, yPos = 1, 0, 0
for _ = 1, rows do
for __ = 1, cols do
quadArray[tileKey[index]] = love.graphics.newQuad(xPos, yPos, tileSize, tileSize, tileset:getWidth(), tileset:getHeight())
xPos = xPos + tileSize
index = index + 1
xPos = 0
yPos = yPos + tileSize
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what you want to do with the tileKey table but since it contains only 4 values, and you don't reset the index in your loop, the only reason that your program doesn't crash is that you use 2 for both rows and cols.
(Because quadArray[tileKey[5]] would be quadArray[nil] which is not allowed.)
This means this function is not reusable! You don't want to have to rewrite this for every new map you make.
Besides, calling this an array is not the correct term. An array usually has sequential indices starting 1 (in Lua).
So if you have something like quadArray["#"] you should rather call it quadTable or something like that.
If we only look at the code of this function, a lot can be done better as well:
Code: Select all
function CreateQuads( tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
local quadTable = {}
for y = 1, rows do
for x = 1, cols do
local index = (y - 1)*cols + x
quadTable[tileKey[index]] = love.graphics.newQuad((x - 1)*tileSize, (y - 1)*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize, tileset:getWidth(), tileset:getHeight())
return quadTable
What you do in your code is the following:
Code: Select all
TileQuads = {}
CreateQuads(TileQuads, tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
Because of the "return quadTable" I put into the function you can now just do this:
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TileQuads = CreateQuads(tileSize, tileset, rows, cols, tileKey)
Phew, this is already taking longer than I have time, so I'll be less detailed now.
This code in SaveMap:
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if tilemap[i][j] ~= nil then
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io.write(tilemap[i][j] or ".") -- or uses the first value if it is not false/nil otherwise it uses the second
Code: Select all
function clamp( val, min, max )
return math.max( min, math.min( max, val ) )
function love.update( dt )
xPos, yPos = clamp(love.mouse.getX(), 0, maxX), clamp(love.mouse.getY(), 0, maxY) -- define maxX and maxY in love.load because it never changes, does it?
-- don't set the window title in update, but in the SaveMap function
That's all for now! Hope it helps!
- Prole
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:55 pm
Re: Code review?
Thanks for your input guys, I'm going to implement the changes you mentioned right away
Re: Code review?
Could you maybe share the link to the tutorial? I'm looking for something like that too!
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