Making a Bullet Hell
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Making a Bullet Hell
Hey everyone, im new to coding but have messed around with Lua on the PSP a long time ago and managed a Tetris game.Im working on a 3DS now. And have my game running for the most part but needs the enemies to spawn a bullet pattern.
Im trying to make a Ikaruga clone and could use some pointers regarding bullet engines for enemy shots (like BulletLOVE was a great start it seems) but looking at its source it seems the game logic is stored in a .txt file im unfamilar with not a .lua. And was hoping there was a simplier way or example I can see of enemy shooting. That sprays out some small square .pngs from the enemy.x and enemy.y or something simple like that
BulletLOVE ... 5&p=110105
LDME - Love Danmaku Maker Framework
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80561&p=186723&hili ... ll#p186723
This is super inpressive bullet pattern for Lua, but I think far beyond me (Scroll down for gif on pattern)
Ive been looking around on google a lot but just cannot get a concept of this. Could some one shed some light in simpler terms or a example pulled from one
Sorry for a such simple question, having trouble making the enemy's shot anything. I can shot and destroy enemy's no problem, and the can kill me. Also have a point system. I use the 3ds rotated like a book and the touchscreen as movement, and you can only shoot backwards which I thought is kind of unusual idea for points
Im trying to make a Ikaruga clone and could use some pointers regarding bullet engines for enemy shots (like BulletLOVE was a great start it seems) but looking at its source it seems the game logic is stored in a .txt file im unfamilar with not a .lua. And was hoping there was a simplier way or example I can see of enemy shooting. That sprays out some small square .pngs from the enemy.x and enemy.y or something simple like that
BulletLOVE ... 5&p=110105
LDME - Love Danmaku Maker Framework
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80561&p=186723&hili ... ll#p186723
This is super inpressive bullet pattern for Lua, but I think far beyond me (Scroll down for gif on pattern)
Ive been looking around on google a lot but just cannot get a concept of this. Could some one shed some light in simpler terms or a example pulled from one
Sorry for a such simple question, having trouble making the enemy's shot anything. I can shot and destroy enemy's no problem, and the can kill me. Also have a point system. I use the 3ds rotated like a book and the touchscreen as movement, and you can only shoot backwards which I thought is kind of unusual idea for points
Last edited by haazet on Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:28 am, edited 3 times in total.
- zorg
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- Posts: 3470
- Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:55 pm
- Location: Absurdistan, Hungary
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Re: Making a Bullet Hell
Hi there!
Besides me being a tiny bit biased thanks to looking into how danmakufu works, i think i can try explain a few things.
Or at least, ramble a bit hoping some stuff will help you out
The easier questions relate to how advanced you want your bullet scripts to be;
Besides me being a tiny bit biased thanks to looking into how danmakufu works, i think i can try explain a few things.
Or at least, ramble a bit hoping some stuff will help you out
The easier questions relate to how advanced you want your bullet scripts to be;
- With just one shot, you of course would have the usual members like position in coordinates, velocity either in a vector (that is, angle and speed components, or in polar coordinates) or just the dx,dy values (as in, cartesian coordinates) for the change in position per-coordinates (or even both).
- A bit more would be to have acceleration as well (again, either with a vector, or deltas or both)
- Another thing would be the angle the sprite is "facing", regardless of the heading (i like to implement this as a vector too, since the i can have an angular velocity that manipulates it, but this can be a simple number too)
- How these change over time is what controls a bullet; could be a given script internal to the bullet itself, or an "external" pattern script; both just overwrite some data like the velocity vector on some defined frames.
- I'd personally have a parent member of each bullet, and assign another bullet (or an enemy) to it.
- The question of whether the children should move relatively to a parent, or absolutely.
- More specialized stuff, like getting the angle to the player, or adding some (seeded!) pseudo-randomness to the aiming or to the speed of the bullets.
- Bias ahoy; danmakufu (the old version; new one is more about event handling) actually uses things similar to lua's coroutines for better structuring the code, since one can separate concerns like updating the character and a potential boss character (and its bullet patterns) per-frame with yielding from a coroutine instead of needing if-else chains for each frame number... see the example below.
- Didn't want to include this, but if you wanted to include reversing mechanics (or just a reversible replay system, non-reversible is easier), you'd have to go the hard route and compute and store the state of everything per-frame, since we'd need to know where everything was at every frame.
- Should the bullets be animated? use a sprite atlas, and progress through it with quads; use a spritebatch, it makes things faster!
- Maybe use shaders when drawing, for effects like rainbow bullets or other stuff.
Code: Select all
-- Note: when you see frame, i'm actually talking about ticks, or the update rate; how fast one renders to the screen would be the framerate, and it should be separated from the update speed for various reasons, but ultimately for consistent gameplay; the default game loop doesn't separate them, caveat emptor.
-- Just a simple function
function boss:update(frame) -- not dt, we want to be deterministic!
--start the boss at the top of the playfield
if frame == 1 then
self.position.x, self.position.y = playfield.width / 2, 0
-- every 5*60th frame (or five seconds) shoot a bullet pattern
-- could be done a dozen other ways too, like patterns not being in the boss char itself, but this will do
if frame % 60 == 0 then
-- Now, for the pattern
bullet = {
-- position
x = 0,
y = 0,
-- velocity
r = 1, -- magnitude
a = 0, -- angle
-- inheritance
--parent -- the boss id set at spawn, or other bullet ids depending on behaviour
--chilren -- other bullets or even enemies, bullets firing bullets!
-- for each frame, calculate the next position using the velocity vector
local dx, dy = self.r * math.cos(self.a), self.r * math.sin(self.a)
self.x, self.y = self.x + dx, self.y + dy
-- now, you can either make such bullet scripts by having a bigger pattern object, that creates things with methods
-- (in which case, you needn't do anything else here)
-- or you could have each bullet have a script... a function inside them
-- that would create other bullets and set their parent to this bullet
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
Thanks for the help! Im gonna have to pour over that awhile with some more learning. And hopefully get some sort of pattern out of a enemy eventually
Heres my code if anyone wondering, Not much now just a lot of basic tutorial level stuff and some 3DS implemented features
Edit: I managed to get the enemys shooting straight and have there own collision) Now onto the math
Heres my code if anyone wondering, Not much now just a lot of basic tutorial level stuff and some 3DS implemented features
Code: Select all
--playerImg = nil -- this is just for storage used to be this { x = 10, y = 120, speed = 100, img = nil }
player = {}
player.x = 10
player.y = 120
player.speed = 10
-- Enables 3D mode.
--Bullet Stuff
-- Timers
-- We declare these here so we don't have to edit them multiple places
canShoot = true
canShootTimerMax = 0.2
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
-- Image Storage
bulletImg = nil
-- Entity Storage
bullets = {} -- array of current bullets being drawn and updated
--Enemy Stuff--------
--More timers
createEnemyTimerMax = 0.4
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
-- More images
enemyImg = nil -- Like other images we'll pull this in during out love.load function
-- More storage
enemies = {} -- array of current enemies on screen
-- Collision detection taken function from
-- Returns true if two boxes overlap, false if they don't
-- x1,y1 are the left-top coords of the first box, while w1,h1 are its width and height
-- x2,y2,w2 & h2 are the same, but for the second box
function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
return x1 < x2+w2 and
x2 < x1+w1 and
y1 < y2+h2 and
y2 < y1+h1
isAlive = true
score = 0
function player.move_to(_x, _y)
dx = _x - player.x
dy = _y - player.y
length = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
dx = (dx/length)
dy = (dy/length)
player.x = (player.x + dx * player.speed)
player.y = (player.y + dy * player.speed)
function love.load(arg)'top')
player.img ='plane.png')
redplayer ='redplayer.png')
leftred ='redleft.png')
blueplayer ='plane.png')
leftblue ='leftblue.png')
rightblue ='rightblue.png')
background ='background.png')
bottombg ='bottombg.png')
won ='won.png')
bulletImg ='bullet.png')
enemyImg ='enemy.png')
-- Updating
function love.update(dt)
-- Time out how far apart our shots can be. PLayer Shots
canShootTimer = canShootTimer - (1 * dt)
if canShootTimer < 0 then
canShoot = true
-- PLayer Shooting
if love.keyboard.isDown('cpaddown') and canShoot then
-- Create some bullets
newBullet = { y = player.y + (player.img:getWidth()/2), x = player.x + 50, img = bulletImg }
table.insert(bullets, newBullet)
canShoot = false
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
-- update the positions of bullets
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
bullet.x = bullet.x - (350 * dt)
if bullet.y < 0 then -- remove bullets when they pass off the screen
table.remove(bullets, i)
-- Time out enemy creation
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimer - (1 * dt)
if createEnemyTimer < 0 then
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
-- Create an enemy
randomNumber = math.random(10, - 10)
newEnemy = { x = 410, y = randomNumber, img = enemyImg }
table.insert(enemies, newEnemy)
-- update the positions of enemies
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
enemy.x = enemy.x - (200 * dt)
if enemy.x > 850 then -- remove enemies when they pass off the screen
table.remove(enemies, i)
-- run our collision detection
-- Since there will be fewer enemies on screen than bullets we'll loop them first
-- Also, we need to see if the enemies hit our player
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
for j, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
if CheckCollision(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.img:getWidth(), enemy.img:getHeight(), bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.img:getWidth(), bullet.img:getHeight()) then
table.remove(bullets, j)
table.remove(enemies, i)
score = score + 1
if CheckCollision(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.img:getWidth(), enemy.img:getHeight(), player.x, player.y, player.img:getWidth(), player.img:getHeight())
and isAlive then
table.remove(enemies, i)
isAlive = false
--Restarting after death
if not isAlive and love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
-- remove all our bullets and enemies from screen
bullets = {}
enemies = {}
-- reset timers
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
-- move player back to default position
player.x = 10
player.y = 120
-- reset our game state
score = 0
isAlive = true
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
if player.y > 0 then -- binds us to the map
player.y = player.y - (player.speed*dt)
player.img = leftblue
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
if player.y < 140 then
player.y = player.y + (player.speed*dt)
player.img = rightblue
-- Vertical movement
if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
if player.x > 0 then
player.x = player.x - (player.speed*dt)
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
if player.x < 410 then
player.x = player.x + (player.speed*dt)
player.img = blueplayer
--Colors Swicth of player RED BLUE
if love.keyboard.isDown('cpadright') then
player.img = redplayer
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('cpadleft') then
player.img = blueplayer
function love.draw(dt)'bottom'), 0, 0)'top'), 0, 0)
if isAlive then, player.x, player.y)
else"Press 'Dpad Up' to restart",,
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do, bullet.x, bullet.y)
--Enemies Draw
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do, enemy.x, enemy.y)
--Score Display, 255, 255)"SCORE: " .. tostring(score), 250, 5)
--Still Updating MOuse MOvement
if love.mouse.isDown('l') then --Check every frame if left mouse button is down
local mousex, mousey = love.mouse.getPosition() --Get mousex and mousey because it's not given to us
player.move_to(mousex, mousey)
--You won
if score > 10 then, 0, 0), 200, 120)
isAlive = false
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
If anyone has the time to take a quick look at this to point out the obvious much appreciated.
Ive gotten a bit farther and have enemies shooting multiple bullets in a straight line along the x and a nice scrolling background. Id like to have a second set of enemies almost the same coming from the y, but with its own set of collision so I can have them only collide with the correct color of player (Red/Blue) and give the game some tactics.
So I copied all the stuff from the enemies and enemiebullet tables with its own timers and such and renamed Red infront of them Redenenemybullet/enemybullet etc. But i was getting a bunch of errors that im calling a nil global value. Now my new enemies are scrolling down fine but my original enemies are gone and when it trys to spawn them throws a errors" Global variable enemy is not found" even though they were working previously
I think it has to do with how im closing the arguments like
"for i, RedenemyBullet in ipairs(RedenemyBullets) do"
or am I just going about this all wrong
Ive gotten a bit farther and have enemies shooting multiple bullets in a straight line along the x and a nice scrolling background. Id like to have a second set of enemies almost the same coming from the y, but with its own set of collision so I can have them only collide with the correct color of player (Red/Blue) and give the game some tactics.
So I copied all the stuff from the enemies and enemiebullet tables with its own timers and such and renamed Red infront of them Redenenemybullet/enemybullet etc. But i was getting a bunch of errors that im calling a nil global value. Now my new enemies are scrolling down fine but my original enemies are gone and when it trys to spawn them throws a errors" Global variable enemy is not found" even though they were working previously
I think it has to do with how im closing the arguments like
"for i, RedenemyBullet in ipairs(RedenemyBullets) do"
or am I just going about this all wrong
Code: Select all
debug = true
--Player Table
Player = { x = 20, y = 120, speed = 10, sprite = nil, HP = 10}
isAlive = false
score = 0
if Player.HP == 0 then
isAlive = false
windowx =
bg1 = {}
bg1.img ="back1.png")
bg1.x = 0
bg1.width = bg1.img:getWidth()
speed = 30
function Player.move_to(_x, _y)
dx = _x - Player.x
dy = _y - Player.y
length = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
dx = (dx/length)
dy = (dy/length)
Player.x = (Player.x + dx * Player.speed)
Player.y = (Player.y + dy * Player.speed)
----Bullet Stuff
-- Timers
-- We declare these here so we don't have to edit them multiple places
canShoot = true
canShootTimerMax = 0.1
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
---- Image Storage
bulletSprite = nil
--Red Bullet
-- Entity Storage
bullets = {}
--Red Entity Storage
----Enemy Stuff--------
--More timers
createEnemyTimerMax = .5
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
--Red Enemy timer
createRedEnemyTimerMax = .5
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimerMax
-- More storage
enemies = {}-- array of current enemies on screen
--Red Enemies
Redenemies = {}
-- More images
enemySprite = nil
--2nd enemy!!
RedenemySprite =nil
---Regular enemy shot
enemyBulletSprite = nil
enemyBullets = {}
canShootEnemy = true
canShootEnemyTimerMax = 0.3
canShootEnemyTimer = canShootEnemyTimerMax
--2nd enemy shot
RedenemyBulletSprite = nil
RedenemyBullets = {}
RedcanShootEnemy = true
RedcanShootEnemyTimerMax = 0.3
RedcanShootEnemyTimer = RedcanShootEnemyTimerMax
function love.load(arg)
--Lets draw to the Top Screen'top')
Player.sprite ='Plane.png')
enemyBulletSprite ='EnemyBullet.png')
bulletSprite ='Bullet.png')
enemySprite ='Enemy.png')
Background ='Background.png')
BottomBG ='bottombg.png')
WonTop ='WonTop.png')
WonBottom ='WonBottom.png')
--2nd enemy
RedenemySprite ='Enemy.png')
RedenemyBulletSprite ='Bullet.png')
function love.draw(dt)----------------------------
--'bottom'), 0, 0)'top'), 0, 0), bg1.x, 0)
--Starting Menu
if Player.HP == 0 then
isAlive = false
if isAlive then
for i, enemyBullet in ipairs(enemyBullets) do, enemyBullet.x, enemyBullet.y)
--, Player.x, Player.y)
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do, bullet.x, bullet.y)
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do, enemy.x, enemy.y)
-- 2nd Enemy
for i, RedenemyBullet in ipairs(RedenemyBullets) do, RedenemyBullet.x, RedenemyBullet.y)
for i, Redenemy in ipairs(Redenemies) do, Redenemy.x, Redenemy.y)
--"Score: " .. score,, 15)"Lives: " .. Player.HP, 10, 15)
else"You Have Lost",,"Your score is: " .. score,,'bottom'), 0, 0)
----Still Updating MOuse MOvement
if love.mouse.isDown('l') then --Check every frame if left mouse button is down
local mousex, mousey = love.mouse.getPosition() --Get mousex and mousey because it's not given to us
Player.move_to(mousex, mousey)
function love.update(dt)
bg1.x = bg1.x - speed * dt
if bg1.x < 0 then
bg1.x = bg1.x + 0
-- Time out enemy creation
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimer - (1*dt)
if createEnemyTimer < 0 then
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
-- Create an enemy
rand = math.random(10, - 10 )
newEnemy = { x = 410, y = rand, sprite = enemySprite }
newEnemy.canShoot = true
newEnemy.timer = 0
table.insert(enemies, newEnemy)
-- 2nd enemy timer
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimer - (1*dt)
if createRedEnemyTimer < 0 then
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimerMax
--2nd enemy creation
-- Create an enemy
rand = math.random(10, - 10 )
newRedEnemy = { x = rand, y = -10, sprite = RedenemySprite }
newRedEnemy.canShoot = true
newRedEnemy.timer = 0
table.insert(Redenemies, newRedEnemy)
if Player.HP == 0 then
isAlive = false
if isAlive == true then
--Check Shooting
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
-- Update Shooting interval timer ---
enemy.timer = enemy.timer - (1*dt)
if enemy.timer < 0 then
enemy.canShoot = true
-- Spawn Bullet --
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
if enemy.canShoot then
newEnemyBullet = { x = enemy.x + enemy.sprite:getWidth()/2 - enemyBulletSprite:getWidth()/2, y = enemy.y + enemy.sprite:getHeight() - enemyBulletSprite:getHeight(), sprite = enemyBulletSprite}
table.insert(enemyBullets, newEnemyBullet)
enemy.canShoot = false
enemy.timer = canShootEnemyTimerMax
--2nd enemy updat timer
for i, Redenemy in ipairs(Redenemies) do
Redenemy.timer = Redenemy.timer - (1*dt)
if Redenemy.timer < 0 then
Redenemy.canShoot = true
--2nd enemy spawn bullet
for i, Redenemy in ipairs(Redenemies) do
if Redenemy.canShoot then
newRedEnemyBullet = { x = Redenemy.x + Redenemy.sprite:getWidth()/2 - RedenemyBulletSprite:getWidth()/2, y = Redenemy.y + Redenemy.sprite:getHeight() - RedenemyBulletSprite:getHeight(), sprite = RedenemyBulletSprite}
table.insert(RedenemyBullets, RednewEnemyBullet)
Redenemy.canShoot = false
Redenemy.timer = canShootEnemyTimerMax
-- Check for Collisions ---- run our collision detection
for j, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
if enemy.HP == nil then
enemy.HP = 2
if CheckCollision(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.sprite:getWidth(), enemy.sprite:getHeight(), bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.sprite:getWidth(), bullet.sprite:getHeight()) then
enemy.HP = enemy.HP - 1
table.remove(bullets, j)
if enemy.HP == 0 then
table.remove(enemies, i)
score = score + 10
enemy.HP = 2
--Shooting enemies-- run our collision detection
for k, enemyBullet in ipairs(enemyBullets) do
if CheckCollision(enemyBullet.x, enemyBullet.y, enemyBullet.sprite:getWidth(), enemyBullet.sprite:getHeight(), Player.x, Player.y, Player.sprite:getWidth(), Player.sprite:getHeight())
and isAlive then
Player.HP = Player.HP - 1
table.remove(enemyBullets, k)
for k, enemyBullet in ipairs(enemyBullets) do
if CheckCollision(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.sprite:getWidth(), enemy.sprite:getHeight(), Player.x, Player.y, Player.sprite:getWidth(), Player.sprite:getHeight())
and isAlive then
Player.HP = Player.HP - 1
table.remove(enemies, i)
--Shooting-- Player Shots Time out how far apart our shots can be. PLayer Shots?
canShootTimer = canShootTimer - (1*dt)
if canShootTimer < 0 then
canShoot = true
-- PLayer Shooting
if love.keyboard.isDown('cpaddown') and canShoot then
-- Create some bullets
newBullet = { x = Player.x + (Player.sprite:getWidth()/2) - (bulletSprite:getWidth()/2), y = Player.y, sprite = bulletSprite}
table.insert(bullets, newBullet)
canShoot = false
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
--Bullets move-- update the positions of bullets
for i, bullet in ipairs(bullets) do
bullet.x = bullet.x - (350 * dt)
if bullet.y < 0 then -- remove bullets when they pass off the screen
table.remove(bullets, i)
--Enemy bullets move
for i, enemyBullet in ipairs(enemyBullets) do
enemyBullet.x = enemyBullet.x - (350 * dt)
if enemyBullet.x < 0 then
table.remove(enemyBullets, i)
--2nd enemy bullets move
for i, RedenemyBullet in ipairs(RedenemyBullets) do
RedenemyBullet.y = RedenemyBullet.y + (350 * dt)
if RedenemyBullet.x < 0 then
table.remove(RedenemyBullets, i)
--Enemies move-- update the positions of enemies
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
enemy.x = enemy.x - (200*dt)
if enemy.x < 0 then
table.remove(enemies, i)
if score > 0 then
score = score - 50
--2nd enemies move
for i, Redenemy in ipairs(Redenemies) do
Redenemy.y = Redenemy.y + (200*dt)
if Redenemy.x < 0 then
table.remove(Redenemies, i)
if score > 0 then
score = score - 50
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
if Player.x > 0 then
Player.x = Player.x - (Player.speed*dt)
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
if Player.x < ( - Player.sprite:getWidth()) then
Player.x = Player.x + (Player.speed*dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
if Player.y > 0 then
Player.y = Player.y - (Player.speed*dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
if Player.y < ( - Player.sprite:getHeight()) then
Player.y = Player.y + (Player.speed*dt)
--When u dead
--Restarting after death
if love.keyboard.isDown('a') then
bullets = {}
enemyBullets = {}
RedenemyBullets = {}
enemies = {}
Redenemies = {}
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
RedcanShootTimer = RedShootTimerMax
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimerMax
score = 0
isAlive = true
Player.HP = 5
Player.x = 40
Player.y = 120
-- Escape
-- Collision detection taken function from
-- Returns true if two boxes overlap, false if they don't
-- x1,y1 are the left-top coords of the first box, while w1,h1 are its width and height
-- x2,y2,w2 & h2 are the same, but for the second box
function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
return x1 < x2+w2 and
x2 < x1+w1 and
y1 < y2+h2 and
y2 < y1+h1
Last edited by haazet on Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
- zorg
- Party member
- Posts: 3470
- Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:55 pm
- Location: Absurdistan, Hungary
- Contact:
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
A few things;
Also, it might help with debugging if you posted the full error message, so we know where/which line and function the error originated from
Code: Select all
RedcanShootEnemyTimer = canShootEnemyTimerMax -- You probably wanted RedcanShootEnemyTimerMax there, though currently, both values are the same.
Code: Select all'top') -- apart from this not being a method löve gives... did you load TLfres or something into the table?
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
The latter is a function in a 3DS port of LÖVE, if I recall correctly
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la =
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg =
ls = love.sound
la =
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg =
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
Thanks for noticing the RedcanShootEnemyTimer = canShootEnemyTimerMax. It was causing a lot of fps slow down. I still drawing only the new enemys now, and after a second or 2 it throws a error about the index global enemy being nil.(the original ones I want back)
Here is the Error
Perhaps my restart after death function I use at the very start since alive = false needs to add ReddcanShooEnemyTimer and create the red timer?
Im a bit lost why its spawning the new enemies at all yet
Edit: There some 3DS functions is use like,'top')
Here is the Error
Perhaps my restart after death function I use at the very start since alive = false needs to add ReddcanShooEnemyTimer and create the red timer?
Code: Select all
--Restarting after death
if love.keyboard.isDown('a') then
bullets = {}
enemyBullets = {}
enemies = {}
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
score = 0
isAlive = true
Player.HP = 5
Player.x = 40
Player.y = 120
Edit: There some 3DS functions is use like,'top')
Last edited by haazet on Mon Jan 04, 2016 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
The variable "enemy" isn't defined (= therefore assumed global and nil) and you're trying to access it. Your code snippets are the wrong spot, the error is giving you the right line to look at.haazet wrote:Thanks for noticing the RedcanShootEnemyTimer = canShootEnemyTimerMax. It was causing a lot of fps slow down. I still drawing only the new enemys now, and after a second or 2 it throws a error about the index global enemy being nil.(the original ones I want back)
Here is the Error
Perhaps my restart after death function I use at the very start since alive = false needs to add ReddcanShooEnemyTimer and create the red timer?Im a bit lost why its spawning the new enemies at all yetCode: Select all
--Restarting after death if love.keyboard.isDown('a') then bullets = {} enemyBullets = {} enemies = {} canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax score = 0 isAlive = true Player.HP = 5 Player.x = 40 Player.y = 120 end end
Edit: Here are the 3ds functions if your curious, having no problem here ...
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
Thanks, Ive been staring at the line 274 for awhile now. And just not grasping what happened, that area is untouched from when I had the original enemies come from the x and shooting and it worked perfect. Where have I misplaced it? I updated the code in post #4 its pretty much the same but the fix RedcanShootTimer and added this
Edit: I kind of see i need (for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do) to define it so that got moved
Code: Select all
--Restarting after death
if love.keyboard.isDown('a') then
bullets = {}
enemyBullets = {}
RedenemyBullets = {}
enemies = {}
Redenemies = {}
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
RedcanShootTimer = RedShootTimerMax
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimerMax
score = 0
isAlive = true
Player.HP = 5
Player.x = 40
Player.y = 120
Re: Making a Bullet Hell
You are resetting your tables every frame... Define once in load:
Then resetting after death just clear them with nil:
Code: Select all
bullets = {}
enemyBullets = {}
RedenemyBullets = {}
enemies = {}
Redenemies = {}
Code: Select all
if love.keyboard.isDown('a') then -- This would also be better in the keypressed callback if pressing a is to reset the game...
bullets = nil
enemyBullets = nil
RedenemyBullets = nil
enemies = nil
Redenemies = nil
canShootTimer = canShootTimerMax
RedcanShootTimer = RedShootTimerMax
createEnemyTimer = createEnemyTimerMax
createRedEnemyTimer = createRedEnemyTimerMax
score = 0
isAlive = true
Player.HP = 5
Player.x = 40
Player.y = 120
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