I modified the test code a bit, and on my pc (win7x64, with love 0.10.0 64bit; two nvidia gpus, >1 screen) i get the following results:
(Only modifications i did was to disable the sleep in love.run if and only if vsync was on; i attached the love file also.)
Code: Select all
windowed msaa 0,1,2,4 vsync ON - stutters
windowed msaa 8,16 vsync ON - sometimes randomly gets smooth, then begins to stutter again
desktop fullscreen msaa 0,1,2,4,8,16 vsync ON - stutters (on any non-primary screen; primary works fine [b]if it has focus[/b])
exclusive fullscreen msaa 0,1,2,4,8,16 vsync ON - same as above
windowed msaa 0,1,2,4,8,16 vsync OFF - stutters, but a bit less visibly
desktop fullscreen msaa 0,1,2,4,8,16 vsync OFF - stutters (on any non-primary screen; primary works fine [b]if it has focus[/b])
exclusive fullscreen msaa 0,1,2,4,8,16 vsync OFF - same as above
Seems like on my computer, msaa doesn't really make it run less jittery.
On the other hand, editing application-specific settings in the nvidia control panel may work wonders;
i set a few things like disabled the power saving mode (max. performance always), vsync controlled by application of course, and turned on triple buffering;
these settings resulted in that i now have dt variance in the 5th digits only after the decimal point (previously it sometimes went up to the 4th), when fullscreen, and non-vsynced windowed does not stutter either (vsynced still does though).
Edit: Just as fishbool had it, windowed mode resized to near the screen size doesn't stutter for me neither.
Edit2: For the record, NOT using Aero completely eliminates stutter, even when windowed...
And not running f.lux also helps get rid of the occasional hiccup apparently