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Post by Gromlick »

Alright, so to briefly preface myself (this being my first post here) before I get into my stupid question, I thought I might just say hi. :)

I'm not much of a programmer, be it from inexperience or natural failure of mental capacity, and I wouldn't go about claiming I was anyway. I like to think of myself more as a wannabe designer who can write just enough code to be able to claim to know basically what code is. I'm faaaaar more interested in aesthetics, and game design, and other high-end things. If programming was where my heart was, I probably would have written my own engine, after all. ^_^ I'm pretty new to Lua, and I only found LOVE a few weeks ago.

So! On to my stupid question for the day. I've been working on a little game for the past few weeks, and I sorta wanted to show it to some people who might be able to give me a smidge of input. My problem, is that I have no idea how to compile my work into one little .LOVE file I can post up here for you guys to see. :(

On the subject, I really want to see the source code some of you guys are using in the things you've posted, how can I look at that?

Again, I want to apologize for what must be a very stupid question, but I can't find my answers anywhere on the site... am I just bad at looking?
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Re: Halp!

Post by Damnae »

A .love is just a renamed .zip in fact =)
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Re: Halp!

Post by Gromlick »

So I just need to put everything into a zip, and rename it .love?

Doe that include love.exe?

I'ma give this a try.
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Re: Halp!

Post by Damnae »

Once you've got your .love, to make a .exe, you need to put the love.exe in the same directory, and do:

Code: Select all

copy /b love.exe + yourgamename.love yourgamename.exe 
(for windows)

It will create "yourgamename.exe ", if you want to show your game to someone who hasn't installed löve,
you'll need to give him that .exe with the .dll that are in the love directory.
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Re: Halp!

Post by Gromlick »

Well, I think you've inadvertently helped me out in one way, but I can't figure out how to rename a zip file to make it a love file. :(

I *did* open up a few other programs written with Love though, and I'm picking up a lot of neat stuff. ^_^
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Re: Halp!

Post by Merkoth »

Windows hides known file extensions so:

* Open "My Computer", "My Documents" or whatever.
* Go to the "Tools" menu
* Click "Folder options"
* Select the "View" tab
* Uncheck "Hide extension of known file types"
* Accept everything

* Go to the place where your zipfile is.
* Now you can rename it to foo.love
* Disregard Windows' whining about the extension change.

OT: Isn't it marvelous how Microsoft was able to turn something dead simple into a chore?

A few notes:
You don't have to put love.exe inside the .love file. Also, be careful on how you make the zipfile: main.lua and game.conf should be on the root of the zipfile or love won't be able to find it.
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Re: Halp!

Post by Gromlick »

My access to this site has been somewhat limited of late, damned things and life.

Alright, that worked, and yes, once again Windows continues to irritate.

To complete my n00bish question um... So how do I make a .conf file to make it go? ^_^
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