First of all, hello everyone!
I would like to create a simple animated starfield using points, I started from this little example and I added a size. Now I want to add alpha to the points and move them around, simulating a sort of parallax: bigger objects are brighter and will move faster.
Is my approach ok or should I use sprites instead of points? Can I assign points to variable in the stars table and reference them while I update?
Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'm fairly new to this
My code is available here: ... /stars.lua
What can I do with ???
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Re: What can I do with ???
I'm not exactly sure what you mean... Do you want the stars to all move around randomly, or all together? If you want them moving together I would suggest just translating the camera. Also I would tile an image of stars, as opposed to rendering hundreds of points. IMO point is only useful for things like bullets and particles.
Re: What can I do with ???
@Beelz: the whole idea is rendering a Startfield point-by-point, instead of using a prefab space image.
Alpha is part of the color, so you can do, 255, 255, 120) for a half-transparent point for example. Of course you can save the points in a table, but I am not sure whether there is a löve function that draws a number of points at once, and there definetely isn't one that draws multiple points with different colors (alphas) - you need to write your own loop for that.
Alpha is part of the color, so you can do, 255, 255, 120) for a half-transparent point for example. Of course you can save the points in a table, but I am not sure whether there is a löve function that draws a number of points at once, and there definetely isn't one that draws multiple points with different colors (alphas) - you need to write your own loop for that.
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Re: What can I do with ???
It probably would be faster to use an image with a spritebatch. Well unless you render the stars to a canvas once.
Re: What can I do with ???
Thanks, I'll probably try another approach
Re: What can I do with ???
Code: Select all
local Starfield = {}
Starfield.__index = Starfield
function Starfield:new(density)
local starfield = {}
setmetatable(starfield, Starfield)
starfield.density = density
self.stars = {}
return starfield
function Starfield:onLoad()
for i = 1, self.density do --number of stars
self.stars[i] = {x = love.math.random()*WWIDTH, y = love.math.random()*WHEIGHT, size = love.math.random()*4+.1}
function Starfield:update(dt, x, y)
for i = 1, #self.stars do
self.stars[i].x, self.stars[i].y = (self.stars[i].x + x*dt)%WWIDTH, (self.stars[i].y + y*dt)%WHEIGHT
function Starfield:draw(), 255, 255)
for i = 1, #self.stars do[i].size)[i].x, self.stars[i].y, self.stars[i].size)
return Starfield
Then, update it with myStarfield:update(dt, moveX, moveY) and draw it with myStarfield:draw().
- zorg
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Re: What can I do with ???
Modified Ulydev's code a bit; now it includes parallax:
Here's a test main.lua:
Edit: added comments to explain stuff better
Also, note that this code doesn't treat a bigger star as being closer (and moving faster), since those properities are separate from one another.
Code: Select all
-- This will be a table returned at the end of the file, holds all the code necessary to create starfields
local Starfield = {}
-- This is here so that the starfields you create will have everything inside them.
Starfield.__index = Starfield
-- degrees to radians constant
local d2r = math.pi/180
function Starfield:new(density)
local starfield = {}
-- This gives the above created starfield every function (and variable) the Starfield table in this file has.
setmetatable(starfield, Starfield)
-- Saves the given density value
starfield.density = density
-- Creates an empty table that will hold the stars' data.
self.stars = {}
return starfield
function Starfield:load()
local w, h =
-- This loop will set up all the stars with their position, size and visibility generated randomly.
for i = 1, self.density do --number of stars
self.stars[i] = {
x = love.math.random()*w,
y = love.math.random()*h,
size = love.math.random()*1.4+.1,
z = love.math.random()*8+.5, -- depth
radiance = love.math.random(1,255) -- alpha (transparency)
function Starfield:update(dt, x, y)
-- If we don't pass in an x or y value, take it as 0 by default
x, y = x or 0, y or 0
local w, h =
for i = 1, #self.stars do
-- Modify each star's position, but wrap them around the screen (with the % modulo/modulus, or remainder operator)
self.stars[i].x, self.stars[i].y = (self.stars[i].x + x*dt)%w, (self.stars[i].y + y*dt)%h
function Starfield:draw()
local w, h =
for i = 1, #self.stars do
-- this helps translate each star with differing amounts, creating a parallax effect
local parallax = self.stars[i].z * math.tan(90 / 2 * d2r)[i].size), 255, 255, self.stars[i].radiance)
-- We modify the drawn positions with the parallax.[i].x*parallax, self.stars[i].y*parallax, self.stars[i].size)
return Starfield
Code: Select all
local starfield,sf
function love.load()
starfield = require 'starfield'
-- create a new starfield with 50k stars.
sf = starfield:new(50000)
-- and we initialize it (generate the stars)
function love.update(dt)
local x, y = 0,0
-- movement
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then x = x - 100 end
if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then x = x + 100 end
if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then y = y - 100 end
if love.keyboard.isDown('down') then y = y + 100 end
sf:update(dt, x ,y)
function love.draw()
Also, note that this code doesn't treat a bigger star as being closer (and moving faster), since those properities are separate from one another.
Last edited by zorg on Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
Re: What can I do with ???
nanoplux, if you are new to LÖVE and/our Lua, DON'T use a SpriteBatch, a Shader or a Canvas for this. Points are perfectly fine for just trying out how to do a parallax Starfield and even if it were performance critical, not trying without other means would be premature optimization.
also your code is perfectly fine and I doubt that you will learn much by using Ulydevs code.
Do you know how parallaxity "works" mathematically?
I would start by adding dt as a parameter to the updateStars function (see the wiki for dt) and then move each star (set a new value for x) by an amount proportional (or otherwise related) to it's size - that will make small starts move slower than large stars.
After that you can do some custom movement, for example depending on the mouse position or keyboard input.
also your code is perfectly fine and I doubt that you will learn much by using Ulydevs code.
Do you know how parallaxity "works" mathematically?
I would start by adding dt as a parameter to the updateStars function (see the wiki for dt) and then move each star (set a new value for x) by an amount proportional (or otherwise related) to it's size - that will make small starts move slower than large stars.
After that you can do some custom movement, for example depending on the mouse position or keyboard input.
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Re: What can I do with ???
zorg just an unrelated question but what's your fps with 50k stars lol. That's a lot.
Re: What can I do with ???
This is the example I was looking for, very well commented and easy to understand. Thanks a lot (both of you)!zorg wrote:Modified Ulydev's code a bit; now it includes parallax:
I'll study and modify it to make it manage star size and speed...
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