I'm reading a ~500kB binary file via io.open and io.read. This is very fast. But now I need to get every character that was read from the file converted to a string of zeros and ones.
I wrote my own function for that, but it is very slow.
function Converter:UnsignedCharToBits(number)
local output = ""
number = number + 1
for i=8, 1, -1 do
if (number - math.pow(2,i-1)) > 0 then
number = number - math.pow(2,i-1)
output = output.."1"
output = output.."0"
return output
I'm writing a compression/decompression algorithm. For the decompression I probably have to use this method because I am running through all bits and checking for certain combinations.
Would it be faster If I'd try to somehow do it in smaller chunks?
Just a thought, but maybe you could create a lookup table for every byte with your current code. That would be a lot faster, and your lookup table would only have 256 elements, which is not too big at all. Also, don't use the concatenation operator in a loop like that; its a huge memory hog. Instead use table.concat.
If your making a compression alogorithm, though, love 0.10.0 will have compression and decompression built in.
Just a thought: LuaJIT (included in LÖVE by default) has a bit operations module. You can probably use it to increase the speed of your algorithm significantly.
local file = io.open( filename, "rb" ) -- I think you need the "b" if you're on Windows
local data = file:read"*a"
local hexDump = data:gsub( ".", function( byte )
return string.format( "%02X ", string.byte( byte ) )
end )
print( hexDump )
This should be fast enough, if not you can try and cache the string functions.
local lookup = require "lookuptable8bits"
-- ...
local t = {}
for i=1, #file_content, 1 do
table.insert(t, lookup[string.byte(file_content, i)+1])
local all_content = table.concat(t) -- doing only one concat at the end
-- ...
Time to optimize the other stuff now and it will be perfect, and I think I already know what to do
Oh yeah sorry my brain switched off for a second xD
Technically, the original one will be faster. The first time you try to call math.pow, the game will crash because you're trying to call a nil value. This is faster than doing tons of pow calculations