I've been working on a first person bomberman for a bit. Its far from complete but so far it has:
- Raycasted 2.5D Map (Heavily references jasoco's Wolfen3D raycaster)
- Sprites (Player + Bomb)
- Soft Walls (Also has a crumble effect, although it looks a bit bad)
For 90 FOV, in some parts the floor is scaled wrong, and creates gaps

60 FOV however is fine

But taking the walls down, going to a corner and staring into the opposite corner:
The wrong scaling strikes again, but this time as a bulge instead of a gap (60 FOV)

Interestingly, the bulge affects 90 FOV less

WASD - movement
Left, Right arrow keys - look
k - suicide
l - change players
hold spacebar - activate bomb ghost/placement guide
release spacebar - place bomb