Thanks for the compliments folks. Believe it or not, that's kind of the first 'tune' I've ever written - especially in that style. I mostly make weird dark-ambient noise stuff: <-- If anyone wants to listen to the usual weirdness I produce.
@qubodup: How did you take that footage? All mine looks horrible...
As for the game, I'm really open to suggestions, so feel free to prod. I know the '27 fire buttons thing' is overwhelming, but I'm hoping the slowmo thing helps with that. I'd like try to fix the control weirdness by tweaking slowmo first.
My goal is to try and keep this feeling like a rogue-like, rather than just another 'move with WASD, fire toward the mouse, and choose the weapon you currently have ammo for' game.
The flow of the game should be:
"Hmm. I used X-ray to see through the walls. There are 3 Grunts in that room next door. Too risky. I'm going to go in with a Jump and take out the two by the nearest wall, and then use Zap to electrify the room. Crap. I have no Zap. I'll use Void to keep everything away and pick them off with arrows, then. Hope it doesn't run out on me.'
<Does jump. Room is revealed. Swordsman wanders in through the door.
"Oh god! Swordsman! Crapcrapcrap! Um... Portal to next level. NOW!"
If I made the slowmo more instant (gave you, say a 'panic' button) would that help?