- 1. Simulate what your game would look like to someone with different types of color blindness.
2. Daltonize your game to make it easier for someone with a particular type of color blindness to differentiate the colors in your game.
The code:
Code: Select all
--[[ Copyright 2015 Bruce Hill <bruce@bruce-hill.com>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2,
as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.
Based on: https://elderscrollsonline.reddit.com/comments/2578wc/
This module has two functions: simulate(colorblindType) and
daltonize(colorblindType). simulate will simulate the specified type of
color blindness and daltonize will adjust colors so that someone with the
specified type of color blindness can more easily differentiate colors.
simulate() and daltonize() both return a function that toggles their visual
effect and both should only be called after love.draw() is defined.
Supported color blindness types: 'protanope', 'deuteranope', 'tritanope' ]]
local colorblind = {}
local colorblindTypeCode = {
protanope = [[
vec3 lms = vec3(dot(LMS, vec3(0.,2.02344,-2.52581)),
dot(LMS, vec3(0.,1.,0.)),
dot(LMS, vec3(0.,0.,1.)));]],
deuteranope = [[
vec3 lms = vec3(dot(LMS, vec3(1.,0.,0.)),
dot(LMS, vec3(.494207,0.,1.24827)),
dot(LMS, vec3(0.,0.,1.)));]],
tritanope = [[
vec3 lms = vec3(dot(LMS, vec3(1.,0.,0.)),
dot(LMS, vec3(0.,1.,0.)),
dot(LMS, vec3(-.395913,.801109,0.)));]],
local sharedCode = [[
vec3 getError(vec3 color)
// RGB to LMS matrix conversion
vec3 LMS = vec3(dot(color, vec3(17.8824,43.5161,4.11935)),
dot(color, vec3(3.45565,27.1554,3.86714)),
dot(color, vec3(.0299566,.184309,1.46709)));
vec3 error = vec3(
dot(lms, vec3(.0809444479,-.130504409,.116721066)),
dot(lms, vec3(-.0102485335,.0540193266,-.113614708)),
dot(lms, vec3(-.000365296938,-.00412161469,.693511405)));
return error;
local function configure(shaderCode, colorblindType)
assert(colorblindTypeCode[colorblindType], 'Color blindness type must be "protanope", "deuteranope", or "tritanope"')
assert(love.draw, "love.draw hasn't been defined yet!")
local oldDraw = love.draw
local canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas()
local shader = love.graphics.newShader(shaderCode:format(colorblindTypeCode[colorblindType]))
function love.draw(...)
local oldCanvas = love.graphics.getCanvas()
local oldShader = love.graphics.getShader()
return function() love.draw, oldDraw = oldDraw, love.draw end
local simulateShaderCode = sharedCode..[[
vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 pixel_coords)
vec4 original = Texel(texture, texture_coords);
original.rgb = getError(original.rgb);
return clamp(original, 0., 1.);
function colorblind.simulate(colorblindType)
return configure(simulateShaderCode, colorblindType)
local daltonizeShaderCode = sharedCode..[[
vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 pixel_coords)
vec4 original = Texel(texture, texture_coords);
vec3 error = getError(original.rgb);
error = (original.rgb - error);
// Shift colors towards visible spectrum (apply error modifications)
vec3 correction = vec3(0., error.r * 0.7 + error.g * 1.0, error.r * 0.7 + error.b * 1.0);
// Add compensation to original values
original.rgb += correction;
return clamp(original, 0., 1.);
function colorblind.daltonize(colorblindType)
return configure(daltonizeShaderCode, colorblindType)
return colorblind
Code: Select all
local colorblind = require 'colorblind'
function love.load()
function love.draw()
love.graphics.printf("HELLO", 0, .3*love.graphics.getHeight(), love.graphics.getWidth(), 'center')
love.graphics.printf("WORLD", 0, .6*love.graphics.getHeight(), love.graphics.getWidth(), 'center')