(first function)
Code: Select all
function getMaxMin90000(...)
local atoms
if type(select(1, ...)) == 'table' then
atoms = select(1, ...)
atoms = {...}
local winners
local biggest = {atoms[1],1}
local smallest = {atoms[1],1}
if #atoms/2 == math.floor(#atoms/2) then --is even
for i = 1,#atoms-1,2 do
winners = atoms[i] > atoms[i+1] and {i,i+1} or {i+1,i}
if atoms[winners[1]] > biggest[1] then biggest = {atoms[winners[1]],winners[1]} end
if atoms[winners[2]] < smallest[1] then smallest = {atoms[winners[2]],winners[2]} end
for i = 1,#atoms-2,2 do
winners = atoms[i] > atoms[i+1] and {i,i+1} or {i+1,i}
if atoms[winners[1]] > biggest[1] then biggest = {atoms[winners[1]],winners[1]} end
if atoms[winners[2]] < smallest[1] then smallest = {atoms[winners[2]],winners[2]} end
if atoms[#atoms] > biggest[1] then biggest = {atoms[#atoms],#atoms} end
if atoms[#atoms] < smallest[1] then smallest = {atoms[#atoms],#atoms} end
return biggest,smallest
Code: Select all
function getMaxMin(...)
local list
if type(select(1, ...)) == 'table' then
list = select(1, ...)
list = {...}
local biggest = {list[1],1}
local smallest = {list[1],1}
for i,v in ipairs(list) do
if v > biggest[1] then biggest = {v,i} elseif v < smallest[1] then smallest = {v,i} end
return biggest[1],smallest[1]
But the first function (90000) is usualy faster.
Benchmark (excel):
Code: Select all
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 200000 indexes in 0.074 seconds
results 1234087 1545
calculating second function
calculated a table with 200000 indexes in 0.088 seconds
results 842234 1545
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 190000 indexes in 0.079 seconds
results 1234087 2298
calculating second function
calculated a table with 190000 indexes in 0.094 seconds
results 1133902 803102
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 180000 indexes in 0.074 seconds
results 1234087 2034
calculating second function
calculated a table with 180000 indexes in 0.083 seconds
results 1006448 111673
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 170000 indexes in 0.071 seconds
results 1234087 2072
calculating second function
calculated a table with 170000 indexes in 0.072 seconds
results 327034 935829
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 160000 indexes in 0.07 seconds
results 1234087 1997
calculating second function
calculated a table with 160000 indexes in 0.059 seconds
results 293212 469365
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 150000 indexes in 0.098 seconds
results 1234087 2599
calculating second function
calculated a table with 150000 indexes in 0.047 seconds
results 103199 348653
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 140000 indexes in 0.077 seconds
results 1234087 2562
calculating second function
calculated a table with 140000 indexes in 0.046 seconds
results 250539 404508
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 130000 indexes in 0.071 seconds
results 1234087 7232
calculating second function
calculated a table with 130000 indexes in 0.064 seconds
results 371025 503224
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 120000 indexes in 0.053 seconds
results 1234087 5499
calculating second function
calculated a table with 120000 indexes in 0.063 seconds
results 380252 1027577
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 110000 indexes in 0.043 seconds
results 1234049 7345
calculating second function
calculated a table with 110000 indexes in 0.053 seconds
results 355470 466879
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 100000 indexes in 0.038 seconds
results 1234087 8174
calculating second function
calculated a table with 100000 indexes in 0.046 seconds
results 769506 52541
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 90000 indexes in 0.038 seconds
results 1234087 6177
calculating second function
calculated a table with 90000 indexes in 0.041 seconds
results 1119665 742087
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 80000 indexes in 0.032 seconds
results 1234087 1997
calculating second function
calculated a table with 80000 indexes in 0.026 seconds
results 684951 892139
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 70000 indexes in 0.043 seconds
results 1234087 1620
calculating second function
calculated a table with 70000 indexes in 0.028 seconds
results 809768 696627
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 60000 indexes in 0.05 seconds
results 1234087 5537
calculating second function
calculated a table with 60000 indexes in 0.048 seconds
results 380064 389216
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 50000 indexes in 0.019 seconds
results 1234087 8023
calculating second function
calculated a table with 50000 indexes in 0.022 seconds
results 55027 1163543
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 40000 indexes in 0.016 seconds
results 1234049 3277
calculating second function
calculated a table with 40000 indexes in 0.013 seconds
results 407370 385224
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 30000 indexes in 0.018 seconds
results 1234049 19962
calculating second function
calculated a table with 30000 indexes in 0.013 seconds
results 1016090 950329
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 20000 indexes in 0.0070000000000001 seconds
results 1234049 14237
calculating second function
calculated a table with 20000 indexes in 0.0070000000000001 seconds
results 750185 84329
calculating 90000 function
calculated a table with 10000 indexes in 0.0060000000000002 seconds
results 1233899 16648
calculating second function
calculated a table with 10000 indexes in 0.0029999999999997 seconds
results 236340 61204