MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game

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MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game

Post by Drakkahn »

Currently I'm in progress of making a game. I've been working on the engine and it has not been going well. So I decided rather than making my own engine, sounds, images, etc. I thought that I should get help. So today I am recruiting people for the game. To be honest there isn't much work that will stay, since I can't seem to make a good engine. I do also have some documentation(which is rather old). Right now I need a good love2d platforming engine to work on. If any one has any recommendations please notify me, if I don't find a good engine then I would like to ask someone from the community to help. Also for the platforming I'm looking for polygon collision.

Idea of the game:

I was planning on merging platforming, sandbox, mmo, and fighting elements into one game. Basically, you would play as a sorcerer's apprentice that could use magic. But I was thinking, rather than having average effects I thought lets go overboard. Lets make it so that there are big fireballs, large screen shakes, etc. Although it isn't fully planned yet, more and more ideas are coming.


EDIT: Also right now I am currently looking for an engine or for someone to make it since this game is still in a very early stage.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Tesselode »

I'm assuming this is your first game?
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Drakkahn »

Believe it or not, it is not. It's just that I've never finished any of my other games because I've lost inspiration for them, and I know you may be thinking: You'll just lose inspiration again. That isn't true, yes I've been on and off with this game, but it's something I am willing to put my time and effort in and I REFUSE to give up on it.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Ulydev »

Drakkahn wrote:I REFUSE to give up on it.
Then, I honestly think you should learn programming and make at least a prototype before "recruiting" team members. There are tons of wannabe game designers out there, but the ones that stand out are those who have something to show.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Drakkahn »

This is the work I currently have completed for it.
NOTE: Some of this code needs to be modified; like the axis support(I don't know why I set it up so wierdly)
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Tesselode »

Drakkahn wrote:This is the work I currently have completed for it.
NOTE: Some of this code needs to be modified; like the axis support(I don't know why I set it up so wierdly)
What version of LOVE is this for?
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Drakkahn »

It's for version 0.9.2.

EDIT: WOOPS! Sorry about that fixed the link.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game (RECRUITING!)

Post by Tesselode »

OK, I'm going to say things, but I would like to emphasize that what I'm about to say should *not* discourage you from making games.

First of all, you can't recruit a team to work on your ideas for you (unless you pay them). And that isn't to say you can't collaborate with people! But when people collab on something, it's because they all have something to gain from the project. They might both have a common vision that they want to make happen, or they might be friends, etc. In my case, I did a collab for the One Game A Month jam with Kingdaro, and it's nice for both of us because we both got to practice finishing games (or at least that's why I wanted to do it). But I'm afraid people probably won't want to work on your idea unless they like your idea too, but your idea isn't even that well developed.

Second, and this is the main takeaway that I want you to get, you can't make an MMO sandbox fighting platformer. You can't even make an MMO, and you probably can't make a fighting game, and you definitely can't combine those with 2 other genres and make that. You are one person. And being one person, you have to limit the ideas you try to do, because there's a lot of kinds of games that automatically take a large team of people to make. MMOs are the big one, as are RPGs of any decent size. Even fighting games are quite complex and would probably take at least a few people. And I'm not saying that you personally are incompetent or anything. I would never attempt the idea you've listed here. I don't think anyone else who knows what they're doing would, either.

As an indie developer, you have to make small games. That's all you can do. It's not because you're not talented enough or skilled enough, it's just a limitation of the amount of time and money and people you have. And that's OK! You might feel like small games are dull and lame and you should go big or go home, but you don't have to. Small games are great! And don't worry, even small games will provide you with plenty of challenges.

My advice to you is to make a really tiny game and then post it here. Make a really small arcade shooter, or even just pong! But finish it. Finishing games is the hardest part about making games. Polish the graphics. Add menus. Make it presentable. Those all have their own challenges, and you'll want to have experience doing those things. They'll take longer than you ever imagined, so that's why you have to start small.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game

Post by Drakkahn »

Thanks a lot for the feedback, I really do appreciate it.
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Re: MMO, Sandbox, Fighter Platformer Game

Post by Tesselode »

Drakkahn wrote:Thanks a lot for the feedback, I really do appreciate it.
No problem, haha. I hope I'm not coming across as too harsh, I just want new developers to start off on the right path instead of wasting their time and getting discouraged.
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