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Post by georgeprosser »

Hey lovers! I just finished my latest project and couldn't wait to share it. I aimed to make it in a week but just missed my deadline.

Sagittarius is a local-multiplayer archery game based on gravity.

It's a competitive turn-based game where you must think strategically and shoot skillfully in order to be the last player standing in a cosmic deathmatch.



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Re: Sagittarius

Post by RagingDave »

Just played it for a while. I really like it. Creative idea and nice execution. Thanks for sharing!

I did not yet manage to kill myself with my own arrow. Is this even possible?

How accurate are the physics in this? Did you use love.physics or create a custom solution?

As I said on twitter before. Now we need an AI :)
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by georgeprosser »

RagingDave wrote:Just played it for a while. I really like it. Creative idea and nice execution. Thanks for sharing!

I did not yet manage to kill myself with my own arrow. Is this even possible?

How accurate are the physics in this? Did you use love.physics or create a custom solution?

Not possible to kill yourself, no.

Physics is custom, super simple actually. Each planet has a mass which is proportional to its radius squared (ie. proportional to area). Then the velocity of the arrow gets changed each timestep according to Newton's Law of Gravitiation. Only thing to note is that the arrow physics gets updated 10 times every frame to improve the accuracy.
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by qubodup »

Awesome! So nice!

- The wait is annoying at times. A party game would allow to keep playing while the arrow still flies (or allow it quicker than now) or at the very least the current player could move to entertain all others by dancing around (would make games annoyingly longer by allowing going into cover after risky position shots though obviously).
- Easy mode would be nice with (A) either scattered approximations of what the flight path might be or (B) showing the current player's last shot strength (and path?)
- The (B) suggestion would also help the fact that currently it's hard to tell whose turn it is. (Might be important in a local turn based multiplayer)
lg.newImage("cat.png") -- made possible by lg =
-- Don't force fullscreen (it frustrates those who want to try your game real quick) -- Develop for 1280x720 (so people can make HD videos)
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by georgeprosser »

qubodup wrote: - The wait is annoying at times. A party game would allow to keep playing while the arrow still flies (or allow it quicker than now) or at the very least the current player could move to entertain all others by dancing around (would make games annoyingly longer by allowing going into cover after risky position shots though obviously).
- Easy mode would be nice with (A) either scattered approximations of what the flight path might be or (B) showing the current player's last shot strength (and path?)
- The (B) suggestion would also help the fact that currently it's hard to tell whose turn it is. (Might be important in a local turn based multiplayer)
Great feedback, thank you.

For the wait time, you've pointed out the exact reasons why I went with the current system! If you let the current player move then there is no strategy, and if you go to the next player then they can dodge the arrow. (Bear in mind that with other people there is a change over time for the mouse/keyboard too)

You can enable a cheaty mode by pressing F and J together which shows you the path the arrow will take, not as good as your suggestion for competitive gameplay though.

And by the way that shot at 2:24 was so great!
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by nkorth »

Excellent game! I had been looking forward to it after seeing all those teaser gifs.
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by CaptainMaelstrom »

In case anyone is interested, this game has a write-up on RockPaperShotgun: ... hery-game/
Kudos on such a gem of a party game! I'll have to pull this one out next time my friends are bored with Smash. :nyu:
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by Reef »

This is great! Congrats on the RPS write-up, that's really cool!
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Re: Sagittarius

Post by murks »

We just played this at our gamejam (, having fun :)
A non-löver suggested it

What's the license? We have some ideas :)
Mainly 'synchronous mode': take actions in turn as it is now, but execute them at the same time. Arrows affect each other and you can kill yourself.
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