Orbit stuff

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Orbit stuff

Post by Garmelon »

This is a small project I made for a presentation about orbital mechanics a while ago (I used a modified version of this though).
Don't expect this to be polished or working in any way - some of the comments in the code are in German.
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by Nixola »

Could I please ask you to lower your requirements a bit? I highly doubt that you actually need 16x MSAA or the biggest canvas possible in this thing, and the performance loss (as well as the hassle for some people to go and edit your code to actually run this) isn't exactly negligible.
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la = love.audio
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by qubodup »

I like to use this for paining :)


Strange, I thought there was something similar released on the love2d forums recently but I can't find it again.
lg.newImage("cat.png") -- made possible by lg = love.graphics
-- Don't force fullscreen (it frustrates those who want to try your game real quick) -- Develop for 1280x720 (so people can make HD videos)
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by Garmelon »

Yep, I have seen that one too
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by Muzz »

I have some actual orbital physics stuff written in Lua that you could use? I made it for moai but it would be really easy for you to port to LOVE2d, as all it does is take is two box2d bodies and their properties and outputs a table with a bunch of xy coordinates that you can plug into a line drawer.

Constant should be the universal gravitational constant.

The orbital physics are all from here which you may need to read to understand what is going on. http://www.braeunig.us/space/orbmech.htm

Code: Select all

function PhysActor:CalculateOrbit()
--This function derives everything you need to know about a single orbiting body. 

			local bodyPos = Vector.new(self.body:getPosition())
			local bodyVel = Vector.new(self.body:getLinearVelocity())		

			local celPos = Vector.new(self.currentCelestialB.body:getPosition())		

			--get the velocity of the body
			local V = bodyVel:length()		

			--get the distance from the foci
			local R = bodyPos:distanceTo(celPos)		

			--Get the Zenith Angle
			local Anglefrombody  =  bodyPos:angleTo(celPos)
			local bodyFromAngle  =  celPos:angleTo(bodyPos)
			local Angle = math.deg( math.atan2(bodyVel.y,bodyVel.x))
			local Zenith =  Angle - Anglefrombody 
			local GM = (constant * self.currentCelestialB.body.fakeMass)

			-- tan V  = (r1 × v12 / GM) × sin  × cos  / [(r1 × v12 / GM) × sin2  - 1
			--tanV = (6628140*math.pow(7900,2)/3.986005e14) * math.sin(math.rad(89)) * math.cos(math.rad(89)) / ((6628140*math.pow(7900,2)/3.986005e14) * math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(89)),2) - 1)
			-- this formula is to locate where the body is from the perrigee
			local tanVx = (R*math.pow(V,2)/GM) * math.sin(math.rad(Zenith)) * math.cos(math.rad(Zenith)) 
			local tanVy =  ((R*math.pow(V,2)/GM) * math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(Zenith)),2) - 1)
			local tanV = math.atan2(tanVx,tanVy)

			local tanVDeg = math.deg(tanV)
			local PerigeeFromZeroAngle =  bodyFromAngle - ( tanVDeg - 180) --WOOO!
			local PerigeeFromZeroAngle =  bodyFromAngle -  tanVDeg  --WOOO

			local C = (2 * GM) / (R* math.pow(V,2))

			local Rh = (-C + math.sqrt( math.pow(C,2) - 4 * (1-C) * -math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(Zenith)),2) )) / (2*(1-C))
			local Rl = (-C - math.sqrt( math.pow(C,2) - 4 * (1-C) * -math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(Zenith)),2) )) / (2*(1-C))		
			local Rlower = math.min(Rh,Rl)
			local Rhigher = math.max(Rh,Rl)		

			local PerigeeRadius = R * Rlower 
			local ApogeeRadius = R * Rhigher		

			--e = SQRT[ (r1 × v12 / GM - 1)2 × sin2  + cos2  ]
			local E = math.sqrt( math.pow((R * math.pow(V,2)/ GM -1),2) * math.pow(math.sin(math.rad(Zenith)),2) + math.pow(math.cos(math.rad(Zenith)),2))		

			--a = 1 / ( 2 / r1 - v12 / GM )		

			local SemiMajorAxis = 1/(2 / R - math.pow(V,2) / GM)

			--theta = E * math.sin(math.rad(225)) /  (1 + E * math.cos(math.rad(225)))
			--theta = 0.1 * math.sin(math.rad(225)) /  (1 + 0.1 * math.cos(math.rad(225)))
			--theta = math.atan(theta)		

			 self.predictedPoints = {}
			 self.predictedPoints2 = {}		
			 self.perigee = {}
			 self.currentAng = {}

			-- print("Vel:"..V)
			-- print("initDist"..R)
			-- print("eccentricity:"..E)
			-- print("PerigeeRadius:"..PerigeeRadius)
			-- print("ApogeeRadius:"..ApogeeRadius)
			-- print("SemiMajorAxis:"..SemiMajorAxis)
			-- print("C:"..C)
			-- print("Zenith:"..Zenith)
			-- print("Velocity:"..V)

			self.perigee[1] = 0
			self.perigee[2] = 0	
			self.perigee[3] = math.cos(math.rad(PerigeeFromZeroAngle))*(PerigeeRadius)
			self.perigee[4] = math.sin(math.rad(PerigeeFromZeroAngle))*(PerigeeRadius)

			self.currentAng[1] = 0
			self.currentAng[2] = 0	
			self.currentAng[3] = math.cos(math.rad(PerigeeFromZeroAngle+tanVDeg))*(PerigeeRadius)
			self.currentAng[4] = math.sin(math.rad(PerigeeFromZeroAngle+tanVDeg))*(PerigeeRadius)

			for i=1,361 do
				Vang = i 

				--V is angle from perrigee		

				PointDist = SemiMajorAxis * (1- math.pow(E,2)) / (1+ E * math.cos(math.rad(Vang)))		
				PointAngle =   Vang +  PerigeeFromZeroAngle
				--PointAngle =   Vang

				Point = Vector.new(PointDist*math.cos(math.rad(PointAngle)),PointDist*math.sin(math.rad(PointAngle)))		


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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by Ranguna259 »

This looks like this.
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by kikito »

Nixola wrote:Could I please ask you to lower your requirements a bit? I highly doubt that you actually need 16x MSAA or the biggest canvas possible in this thing, and the performance loss (as well as the hassle for some people to go and edit your code to actually run this) isn't exactly negligible.
My computer (Mac Book Air) can't create the canvas your game requests.
When I write def I mean function.
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by Garmelon »

Ranguna259 wrote:This looks like this.
I used the canvas initialisation part of that thing...
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Re: Orbit stuff

Post by raingloom »

Same problem on latest XUbuntu with MSI GTX 650.
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