All right... hurr durr. Of course it going to be slow when you attach ZeroBrane Studio debugger to it. I mean, I knew it was slowing things down but I somehow still forgot to take it into account. Without debugger attached I can do something like 512 * 512 (262144) checks before it starts dipping below 60 fps. Which is more like what I expected from modern computer's performance.BlueWolf wrote:Is it that much? Imagine you have 32 enemies and 16 bullets on the screen and bam, you have 512 checks per frame. Unless you do some fancy space partitioning, that is. Or am I still missing something obvious? Is there some other way to check if bullet hit enemy? I just feel like modern computers should be able to handle couple dozen moving sprites at the same time.
Btw, debugger tanks frame rate HARD. I imagine it won't be great for debugging any sort of slightly bigger game.