Apologies for the delay in response; I missed this message...WarpEnterprises wrote:Thanks very much for ZBS, I have some points I can't get to work as I would expect:
> * when using Project->Start debugging, it always stops at the ...require("mobdebug").start()... line, although there is no breakpoint there.
Yes, this is a default, but you can add "debugger.runonstart = true" to cfg/user.lua to make it not stop on the start() call.
> * I can't toggle a breakpoint while love is running - is this intentionally?
Yes; for now you can only change a breakpoint when a debugger is paused.
> * is there a keyboard shortcut for adding a selected text to the watch window?
Not a shortcut, but you can use right click and select "Evaluate in Console".
If you want to have a shortcut, you can add something like this to the cfg/user.lua file:
Code: Select all
local G = ... -- this now points to the global environment in the script
local ide, wx, TR, ID = G.ide, G.wx, G.TR, G.ID
local postinit = ide.app.postinit
ide.app.postinit = function()
if postinit then postinit() end
local menu = ide.frame.menuBar:GetMenu(ide.frame.menuBar:FindMenu(TR("&Edit")))
menu:Append(ID "eval", "Evaluate in Console\tCtrl-E")
ide.frame:Connect(ID "eval", wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,
function () ShellExecuteCode(GetEditor():GetSelectedText()) end)
ide.frame:Connect(ID "eval", wx.wxEVT_UPDATE_UI,
function (event) event:Enable(GetEditor() and #GetEditor():GetSelectedText() > 0) end)