So, I want to create a thread with various subjects.
This thread as one goal : have resources for programmer to help achieve what they want in the efficient and reliable way !
If you don't like thinking (or if you can't think ), this thread is not for you, because it will be like a brainstorming session, where everyone think about other's ideas.
So, everyone can came here, says "Hey ! I want to do this ! But I don't know where to start... " and then, everyone will be able to think about it, and answer they own idea of how implement this ! But keep in mind that there are no "good" or "bad" answer, because there are always many ways to achieve what you want to do !
But, if you answer, please say on which idea you answer, or it can become a big mess !
Finally, I start with some subject :
- How make a great Client-Server architecture (using Löve2D) ?
- How can I handle menus and game screen (using Löve2D) ?
- How can I create a simple but efficient GUI system ? (not especially using Löve2D !)
- How can I manage my game's source and data folders ? (not especially using Lôve2D !)
- How can I manage my source files for having a simple and easy-reading code ? (not especially using Löve2D !)